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    In one of his first starring roles, Jeff Goldblum played Ichabod Crane in a 1980 TV version of 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'. (From: 'Seth Rex')
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    Age of the Dinosaurs chapter4
    By Velaciraptor

    Loner ran on for about an hour then stopped next to a stream to get a short drink. He glanced behind him, nothing dangerous following him except a single Compsognathus.
    The Compy was daring, and walked toward Loner, curious. Loner gave a warning growl to back off, and it did. It gave a little squeak and ran off in the trees.
    Loner snorted and got a drink. He should'nt of done that, it could've been dinner. Then to his amazement, the Compy came back and looked up into his face, chirping. Then it bared its teeth and lounged for his throat, grabbed hold of some skin, and hung there.
    Loner made a screech of surprise. The Compy's tail was waving in front of his face and Loner grabbed it and pulled the nasty creature off, which hurt a bit. Loner tossed the body into the air and caught it in his mouth. Food.
    He got one more drink and walked on. He stopped, he could smell something. It smelled like the Compy but, but there were more. Then they ran out of the trees, about ten of them. Since Loner didn't know these could do harm, he stood his ground.
    Then three Compys attacked. One lounged for his throat, but got his shoulder, the second got hold of the back of his neck, and the third was clinging to his side. Loner screeched in surprise and ran away, having the third Compy fall off. The Compys joined in the chase.
    The second Compy let go of his hold to try to get hold of the throat, giving Loner a chance to get him off. He turned sharply and the Compy flew off and hit the dirt in surprise.
    "What are these stupid things?" he grumbled, still running. He had to get the first Compy off of his shoulder. He ran into a stream and the Compy still clung there. There was a tree. He rammed his shouler against the tree, which hurt,and the Compy screeched with pain and dropped to the ground. Loner picked him up in his jaws and ate him, not worrying about the other Compys since they couldn't get across. The water in the stream was too deep for them.
    Loner stood facing the Compys for about two minutes growling and screeching at them. "You can't get me!" he said. Then the Compys stopped jumping around in anger and ran away. Then Loner heard a low growl and turned around.

    3/18/2002 6:52:12 AM

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