Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    The Gallimimus herd scene in JP was filmed at popular tourist spot Kualoa Ranch on Kauai. The large tree branch Grant and the kids hide behind is still there. (From: SeanArcher)
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    Age of the Dinosaurs chapter3
    By Velaciraptor

    About a day after the stampede Loner could walk fairly well. He was a cute sight, getting up, walking around then falling. Every once in a while he’d bite his tail or foot and get back up. Crystal turned to Claw and said, “I’m going hunting. He must be hungry. Watch him while I’m gone,” and fled through the bushes.
    Claw snorted and turned to Loner who was watching him curiously and making this tiny squeaking noise. “Are you hungry,” Claw jeered. “I’m not meant to take care of the young ones, that’s the females’ job. Males’ job is hunting!” Loner just sat there letting every word sink in but not able to talk back with him being so young and all.
    Claw couldn’t help laughing at how cute the young one was. He turned around and jumped onto a rock gracefully while Loner watched. When Claw couldn’t help fall asleep he got up and wondered around the clearing. Suddenly bushes ruffled near by and Crystal jumped out with a rabbit in her jaws.
    Loner half ran half stumbled to her hungry. Crystal raised one hind foot and slashed the rabbit. It fell limp, dead and then she dropped it in front of Loner and he sniffed it and then tore at it hungrily. Crystal and Claw laughed at how cute he was. Suddenly they heard a ruffle nearby, and dark, heavy breathing.
    Crystal ran and picked up Loner and Claw and her dove under the rock. Then an angry roar emerged from the trees and a hunting Carnotaurus stepped out. He went over to the rock and sniffed it, trying to find a way to get to his prey. It put a hind foot on the rock and tried to shake it. Claw ran out and into the brush. Then a help call ran out and the Carnotaurus turned around sharply to the sound and roared.
    It lumbered after Claw and Crystal, with Loner still in her mouth shot out of the rock. It was a trap. The Carnotaurus shot out of the trees and grabbed Crystal in its jaws. She dropped Loner and he scampered off for his life, this time not falling. Loner took one last look around to see the big hunter walk into the trees and ran off in the opposite direction, trying to survive.

    2/25/2002 6:07:13 AM

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