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By Michael Crichton
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    Nightfall Season 1 Pilot
    By VampireHunter_D

    Just look at this part as a sort of prolog, setting up the world that the story of Nightfall takes place in.


    How long will it take the world to end? By my standards, I’d say it was already over; but then again, everyone always said "what the hell do you know?". How many people have to be dead before it can be considered THE END?

    It’s been a week since I’ve heard anyone on any of the radios, not what you would call a good sign.

    I remember when this all started, just over a year ago, and how fantastic it had seemed. A vampire had been caught in LA. A real, honest to goodness, blood sucking creature of the night. It was kind of weird, being televised all over the country, having been filmed by one of the realistic, in your face cop shows.

    Every body’s innocent until proven guilty, and the politicians claimed that that even went for a vampire. The state appointed attorney argued how the man wasn’t at fault, driven by supernatural desires that no one could resist.

    I remember thinking how funny that was.

    Then there was the argument that he should be studied for science, that his healing and regenerative powers needed to be understood. The boons for humankind would be fantastic if they could only unlock the secrets of his physiology.

    God, were we ever ignorant.

    A deal was struck, supposedly of the vampire’s own accord, and he was sequestered away in a facility of the top bidding medical research company. In less than a month they had a formula that they tried on a volunteer cancer patient.

    The entire world cheered when the woman’s cancer was wiped from her body in a matter of hours. The FDA never approved a drug for wide spread testing faster than it did NRE002; Nosferatu Regenerative Enzyme number 2.

    Six months after it’s capture, the vampire had given us a substance that supposedly cured over a thousand people.

    Then the hunger came.

    The first test patient, the woman, had vanished. While authorities were investigating her disappearance, more of the test patients changed over. It happened like a giant wave, spreading faster than anyone ever dreamed.

    With every night, hundreds, then thousands, would become new victims. It swept over the country, then the world within three months, nearly three quarters of the world’s population turned into vampires.

    You would think that the small cities would fall early, but the blood suckers went for the big ones first. A more dense selection of food, I guess. Easier to find a meal. Easier to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the big city, where most people were strangers.

    Of course, in the end, they did make it here, to the small cities.

    Sunlight, crosses, and fire were our only weapons, and there was never enough of any, the sheer number of vampires overwhelming anyone that tried to stand against them.

    If not for Ben’s helicopter, we would have perished a long time ago. But now, here on the roof of the tallest building in the city, I know our time is running out.

    Or, more specifically, my time is running out.

    We set down here yesterday, low on fuel, just miles short of where Ben’s map showed an airport to be. He left yesterday afternoon, confident that he would be able to fill the dozen cans we had found and return with fuel before sunset.

    He never came back.

    Last night had been the longest night of my life, each tiny noise making me certain that a vampire had scented me out. But sunrise had finally come, still no sign of Ben, and I thanked God for another day.

    But what was I going to do with it?

    Ben was the mechanical one, the one with all the knowledge. You would think that in the last few weeks I would have picked up something, but I hadn’t. Ben was the one who could get a ravished car to work, to be able to drive out of here, not me.

    The vamps took few chances, long ago disabling any vehicle around. They didn’t like to hunt their prey, they liked it easy to find. And now I was stuck here in this little city in Ohio, Mansfield I think it was called, and I have no hope of escaping.

    I can only pray that there are still some humans out there, hiding somewhere beyond the vampires’ reach. The blood suckers have doomed themselves also, wiping us out like this.

    What will they eat when we’re all gone?

    Maybe, someday, after they’ve all starved, any people that did manage to hide away will come out to reclaim this desolate world. Then again, maybe there really isn’t anyone left but me.

    The point is moot, the sunlight’s quickly fading, I can barely see to write this now. They’re already moving about, below in the streets, keeping to the shadows. I can’t help but wonder how close Ben is; if he’ll come for me himself or lead others here.

    I hate to think of a dozen or so vamps fighting for my still warm blood, the last they’ll probably see for a very long time.

    Maybe some one will find this; my short, incoherent account of the end of mankind. Who knows? All I can end this with, for who, or what, ever finds it, is to let you know that I didn’t waste the entire day up here, dreading the coming nightfall.

    No, I didn’t waste it all. This building is the city’s government, housing within it the police department. It took a while, not only finding the room but also finding the tools to break into it, but I did it. I got a twelve gauge shot gun, and I’m ready to use it.

    I’m not going to end up like one of them.

    Funny thing is, I use to like to watch the nightfall.

    9/14/2002 9:00:44 PM

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