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    SITE WARS: Episode VI - The Clones Return (Part 2)
    By Vader

    River made his way across the mud into the thick, marshy forests. The trees were so densely huddled together with vines stripped across them that it was the most difficult terrain he had ever had the displeasure to travel across. Growing frustrated and tired of the situation, River whipped out his sword and hacked at anything and everything around him to clear a path. He worked hard, and as he did so, more light began to shine from ahead, no longer as encumbered by thickness as it had been before.
    At that point, ahead, River saw a large metallic outpost, consisting of several bunkers. It belonged to the Flooders. On the side wall, the marking B-9 has been inscribed. It was the outpost his long-time friend served as a ranger at. He remembered so long ago, before he met the Admins, that his friend had been scheduled to come here. He's been so excited to see the beautiful Gondolend, yet little did he know what the Leader of the Flooders would eventually do to it.
    He began to race forward, looking forward to seeing his friend again, to tell him the truth about the past of the Admins and how things had been better and one time, and how he had been fighting to restore peace and justice, and-
    River was smacked to the ground as he fell into a stump, having the wind knocked out of him. He felt a large maw grip the back of his outfit, pulling him upward, into the air, past the trees and flipping him across the forest below. He landed in another lake, swimming as hard as possible to stay afloat. He turned to look behind him, seeing massive land predator stepping into the lake - a Giganotosaurus. The beast leaned down to finish River off them suddenly, bullets exploded upon the beast, expertly aimed as its head. The carnivore spun in another direction towards where the bullets came from. It began to head for the shooter, but the rapid stream of open fire was too much. The incredibly wounded beast turned to collapse into the bed of trees beside it with a loud rumble.
    Shocked and panting, River lay still, staring at the dinosaur. "Don't move!" a voice shouted. He craned his head back to see a hunter standing before him, aiming a . "Don't you dare reach for your sword, Admin. You can die now, or you can be executed at the concentration camp. Your choice."
    Rage flamed through River's insides as he ground his teeth together. He looked at the hunter with loathing. He reached for his sword anyway, rolling to the left. The hunter fired, grazing his shoulder. "Ah!" River snarled, jumping forward and slicing off the hunter's , kicking him to the ground. The startled Flooder looked up at the Admin who brought his sword back for the . "Wait! River, It's you! Hold on-" the Flooder never finished his sentence after recognizing River. The loathing Admin pierced the heart. Just a millisecond after doing so, River realized that the person he had just ed, had cried out his name for him to wait.
    Dread. Horror. Pain. The feelings streaked through River and abandoned the hilt of his sword, bending low to take the helmet of the man. The familiar face was revealed under it. His old friend - BrianW14. The friend he had grown up with, who'd been blinded to the Leader of the Flooder's true intentions just as he had been, the friend he had come to inform him of the truth of the site wars, the man he came to be reunited with, the man he had ed.
    "No!" River yelled, tears streamed down his face. "I'm sorry, Brian!" he tearfully cried as he fell to the ground. "I'm so sorry!" His rage had taken over him, resulting in the loss of his friend. His time for mourning didn't last long. He heard bullets and footsteps coming his way. With a sob, and a last regretful look at the Brian, he grabbed his sword and ran back through the forest. He didn't care of the trees and branches that he repeatedly fell over and was wounded. Tears streamed from his face. He was stuck in a single moment of memory, the memory of him ing his friend.
    It seemed that he reached the others he'd arrived with in just a minute. He ran through the lake toward them, jumping upon his pteranadon, which he readied for flight, trying to hide his tears. "What happened?" Para asked quickly as the others followed River's motion to get on their steeds.
    "We have to leave, and quick," River stated as his wife backed up to get into her saddle. As bullets came their way, the birds took off, sweeping back into the clouds, bracing themselves against the slamming branches. Finally, they sped up and out, back into the stars and across the sky, leaving Gondolend. It was time to go home, where yet another mission would await them. The most important and difficult mission of their lives - returning to Dan's JP3 Page.

    River, Para, JohnArnold, Jon, Majestic-1, and Rexoraptor sat atop their JPDatabase pteranadons, steering them across the Internet, back towards Jurassicpark.com. While JohnArnold caught up with his old friends through talk of the past, Para was concerned about the absolutely silent River. "Are you alright?" she asked him for the seemingly fiftieth time.
    River shook his head. He wanted to tell his wife what had happened, to get it off his chest but it was too painful to even say the name of his old friend. He just sniffed as another tear rolled down his cheek. Below, jurassicpark.com came into view, before Para could continue to encourage River to divulge his feelings.
    Everyone instructed their steeds to roll downward. The pteranadons gently rode the wind to make their way down to hover over the massive cities covering Jurassicpark.com. They swooped down to drop to the landing pad next to AcroIguana's mansion. Quickly, everyone got of their animals, tying them to nearby polls. "Wow," Rexoraptor nodded at the mansion. "Nice place."
    "Indeed," JohnArnold smiled. They walked forward as the pteranadon's craned their neck about to view the brand new, bright world they had entered. The humans passed by Vader and Raptor-Rex's mini-chopper and noticed that there was another mini-chopper, more newly made. "Looks like Cyros is back from recruiting on the other side of the site," John took note.
    They quickly entered inside the mansion, taking the elevator up stairs a few floors. They exited the cramped elevator full of people to come into a large suite, composed of lavish furniture and carpets fit for royalty. Count AcroIguana of the United Legislature with his right hand, SamFan, along with Vader, Raptor-Rex, and Cyros across from him with Enella in their arms, sat on the couches, spinning around to see the newly entering visitors.
    "Welcome back!" Raptor-Rex exclaimed approaching them. They all exchanged hugs as SamFan darted up to Jon, Majestic, Rexo, and JohnArnold with a wide smile, something that hadn't been given to John by her in years. Vader handed Enella back to her parents as they nuzzled her with glee.
    "I see your mission was very successful!" AcroIguana smiled. "I'm so glad! And Cyros was also successful in finding recruits! We've made an addition of twenty ground troopers from the volunteering members outside of the capitol!" Para looked up and grinned at him. Indeed, things had gone well while they were gone.
    "Good job, Cyros," River said, forcing a complement out of his murky sea of gloomy feelings after ing his friend.
    "Thanks, River. Sorry I wasn't here while Enella was born. I offer my congratulations, I'm very proud," Cyros replied. River nodded, making his lips creep in a small smile. He held Enella up to the side of his cheek, closing his eyes and hugging her warm and comforting tiny body.

    JohnArnold arranged a banquet in his apartment in Acro's mansion for a chance for Jon, Majestic-1, Rexoraptor, and SamFan could all join together to converse. He sat, staring out his window as the large, vast sunset over the site. Flashes of the reactions of his announcement to leave JPDatabase for Dan's JP3 Page that occurred so incredibly long ago. Only two of those reactions were understanding and welcome - those of Jon and Majestic. Everyone else had been completely devastated by the news and John left them to form the Admin fleet to build up a constant grudge to become a crust over them.
    And it was so wonderful to now have the chance to slowly build these relationships back up. Of course, John would must rather prefer that a grudge had never been formed, but that would have had required him to stay on his home site. Should he have stayed? Or should he had gone of to help the Admins? He shook his head, trying to rid his head of the thoughts. It was all in the past, which could not be changed. And he was so glad to have wonderful friends in Admins Vader, Raptor-Rex, Cyros, and everyone else he had met in his journeys across the internet. There was no regrets there.
    The door to his apartment opened as SamFan walked in. John looked at her with admiration, recalling those wonderful times he'd spend with her before he'd left and broke her heart, hardening her. "The other will be up soon. They wanted to ask Acro a few questions first," she told him sitting down on the couch.
    She stared off into the distance, purposely avoiding the stare of JohnArnold. Seeing her sitting there, having been stung by what he had done, surged emotion through him. This was enough. It was time to end this long, dark period in the relationship between them. He walked over and sat down on the couch next to her. She cast her eyes downward to her lap as he did so.
    "SamFan," John said gently.
    "What?" she asked still looking down. He reached out, taking her chin and turning her face to look into his eyes.
    "I am so sorry. I will never leave you again." His simple words effected her as he looked deep into her eyes with sorrow. "I promise you, forever." She looked at him, a tear rolling down her cheek and she reached up to cover her mouth. She leaned forward, falling into his arms. "I would never mean to hurt you. We will be together till the end of our days."
    "I couldn't help but feel pain, John," she sobbed, digging her face into his shoulder. "But I am so proud of what you've accomplished, and I know it was worth every second you spent away from JPDatabase."
    "But now, it will be different," John assured her, leaned forward to kiss her passionately. The kiss, although interrupted by the sound of the door opening, was short, but still very meaningful, symbolizing the rebuilt bond between the two people. The other three members of JPDatabase walked in with a smile as John and SamFan stood.
    "Glad you came!" John smiled as he motioned toward the banquet on the nearby table. "Come on. It'll be just like old times."
    "That it will," Jon nodded as everyone gladly sat down.

    River lay in his bed alone that night. His eyes were closed, filled with visions of him ing his friend his violent rage. He d being alone, since that was the time his thoughts always inevitably turned to what had happened at the Gondolend website. Para and Enella were off in the nursery, as she got patches for her wounds she achieved in her recent trip.
    Fire consumed River's Brian, as if symbolizing extreme loathing. The other Admins had warmed him of letting the evil inside of him getting the better of him, but he'd never listened to them. Then, he'd made the biggest mistake in his life after not following their advice. He regretted it so badly, so tormented by it, words could not describe how bad his feelings were.
    The door slid open as Vader and Raptor-Rex walked in. River pulled himself up to sit, trying his best to hide his true emotions. "Hello, River," Vader smiled with a certain understanding. "Para wanted us to check up on you."
    "Why?" River asked.
    "She said that something had happened at Rancor's old site that nobody knows about. She said its been severely disturbing you ever since," Raptor-Rex answered. River sighed, a lump forming in his throat, fighting back tears. "River, let it go. Tell us what happened." River braced himself, readying himself. He knew it was time.
    "I went there to retrieve an old friend of mine. While growing up in my first 20 years of life, we had been very close friends. We were both blinded by the Flooders, since they had lied to us about the Admins, but we both had good intentions, and good hearts. I had left him behind when I'd gone with you, and I wanted to return to him, tell him everything new I'd learned, and bring him to join the Admins, to be reunited. But when I went . . ." he paused, taking a breath as a tear sprang to his eyelid. "When I went there, I become very angry, having been attacked by a carnivore and the Flooders. I was blinded by my loathing and I accidentally ed him in the process."
    Vader and Raptor-Rex sighed. They had warned River of this before. "River, we are sorry to hear of this. But you know we have tried to stop this sort of thing from taking ever place. We feel horrible, however, that it did," Vader told him.
    As River sulked, there was a small ding that echoed throughout the mansion, followed by the sound of AcroIguana's announcement. "Attention, attention. All members of the United Legislature report to the main hangar. The aircraft is ready to take of for Dan's JP3 Page." Vader patted River on the shoulder, helping him up, and then the three Admins left the room to join the others. They largest site war of all time was about to take place.

    The fleet of fifty United League aircraft ships speed through the skies of the internet at a fast pace, leaving the Middle Rim of and entering the very heart and core of the Internet - the center rim, where Dan's JP3 Page was located. The vast fleet had been accumulated with the smuggler cruisers that AcroIguana had acquired and built of the many years of his previous business, diverse war vessels that joiners of the League had brought with them from other sites, and newly constructed mini-choppers made recently under the oversight of JohnArnold from memory of the plans that he knew by heart. It was certainly a grant sight too see as the zealous fighters for peace and justice made their way for the one place where the climax of all there hard work would be put into a war. But the questioned still remained as to who would win the war. Therefore, the fate of everyone in the inter ' istence - present and future - depending on the upcoming, essential occurrence in site war history.
    These thoughts made River not only worried, but struggling to keep his thoughts within reason. He knew his rage would easily boil over in this war, and he knew that it was imperative to keep it under the control - for the sake of not having a repeat of what had happened on the Gondolend website earlier. He closed his eyes ly, a shiver running through his spine. Something, something he wasn't sure of, was almost telling him that his rage was inevitable, that it couldn't be stopped. He leaned forward, trying to keep the ideas away.
    "Remember, we will be here to help you and stand by you, River. Always," the warm and encouraging voice of Vader reminded River. He looked up to see Raptor-Rex and Vader, the two people who had trained him to become a full-fledged Admin, looked upon him. Raptor-Rex reached out and patted him on the shoulder.
    From behind them, Para strolled up, her baby in her hands. He stomach, which had been rather large from the pregnancy, had gotten to its normal size once again, and River was faced with a wonderfully radiant wife, brimming with a sort of excitement. "I talked with AlanGrant5. He said he would be happy to watch over Enella for us during the battle," she smiled to her husband, then sighing, becoming more serious. "This is going to be a huge day in all our lives."
    A low, pleasant tone sounded throughout the large auditorium in which the group sat in. A flood of people crowded in to join the already large number of those sitting down. The auditorium had been built in the center of AcroIguana's personal vessel for periods of military briefings from the Count. Wanting to waste no further time in briefing at Jurassicpark.com, SamFan had suggested to state the final plans for the assault at Dan's Page on the Flooders while already on their way there. So, with the many commanders, generals, and the group of Admins inside the one ship, and many other pilots throughout the rest of the fleet tuning in at the same time, AcroIguana stood before them all with SamFan at his side. JohnArnold and his old friends, along with Cyros, came over to sit by River as the briefing began.
    "Welcome everyone," Acro started. "This will be your final instructions as to the strategy of battle that is soon to be put into effect when we arrive at Dan's JP3 Page." At that point, SamFan reached out and activated the large, wide-screen monitor behind them. It displayed a 3- D landscape of Dan's JP3 Page, zooming in to a large battle plain that lie before a tall bluff, which was crowned with a massive device, designed to look almost like a big palace. "As you can see here, the clone device is seated on this high rise. After landing on the far side of the field, we will put into effect Plan A, which will be to involve the mini-choppers attacking the device by air. We are unable to determine what the Flooders could have up their sleeves. Therefore, if our aerial attack should fail, we shall put into effect Plan B, which is slightly more complicated: While our ground troops battle with the Flooders' forces on the battle plain, a small team will sneak into the device by climbing up the side of the bluff. They will make their way to the clone device's central core and set es for a five-minute countdown to detonation - giving them the maximum amount of time that can be allowed to escape the device before it blows. If we suceed, we will put an end to wicked tyranny of Flooder's government, stop the Leader of the Flooders once and for all, and restore the good government Dan had first started."
    Nobody in the fleet had any questions. The plan had been very well explained, and everyone knew what their duties and responsibilities included in the intricate weaving of the outworking of the plans. As SamFan deactivated the monitor, AcroIguana continued, "I would like to remind everyone here that we are putting every last bit of time and effort that we have built up over the years into this one, massive battle. It is our only, and our last, hope of defeating the Flooders. It is of my upmost concern that everyone of the United League strive their absolute best - that is all I ask for. Let us perform our best - for Dan, for the Admins, for peace, for the internet." At that, everyone stood and cheered. Acro couldn't have had tried to harder to lift everyone's spirits that had been down. Now, wether they had been for a long time or had been since just the end of Acro's speech, every single person who was willing to fight for good, we completely ready.
    As the fleet arrived just near Dan's Page, while excitement and determination hung in the front of everyone's minds, fear and horror clung to the back of their minds, refusing to let go. A concoction of hope and dread filled every man as they soared over Dan's JP3 Page, heading for the battle grounds and evading any turrets that fired upon them.
    Vader, Raptor-Rex, Cyros, and JohnArnold stared outside at what had become of their home. They recognized the familiar rolling, green hills of the countryside, the lush jungles running through the open territory, sending a rush of emotion through them. Their eyes turned to the capitol, which had been rebuilt for the purposes of the Flooders. Dan's Palace was the only original architecture that remained - serving as a hub for all military command.
    And then, behind Dan's Palace, overlooking the battle plain atop the bluff, was the towering clone device, reaching up to the sky with the confident and prestigious Leader of the Flooder's throne room sitting on it's very tip-top. A look of darkness covered Rivers face when he saw the residing place of the Leader whom he couldn't help but so much.
    The fleet landed on the far end of the plain facing the raised clone device on the other end. The landing gears of all the vessels unfolded and set down. "Alright everyone. Let's do Plan A," came the voice of AcroIguana over the speakers. River and Para turned to look at their fellow Admins.
    "We wish you the best in your flight," River said. He leaned over to hug his comrades goodbye as he turned with Para to take Enella to safety as the war began. JohnArnold, Vader, Raptor-Rex, and Cyros all ran as fast they could to the hangar, where already many others were beginning to rev up their vehicles.
    "Hey, there!" Rexoraptor cried out as he and Jon boarded their own mini-choppers, waving to the Admins as Majestic readied the many s that would be used if Plan B would be put into effect, who spun around to wave as well.
    The Admins felt absolutely great to board the familiar Mini-choppers once again to go up against the Flooders as memories of the battle to save InGenNet when the site wars were in their early stages came back to their minds. But it was of far bigger concern than to just save one site from the Flooders now - this time they were battling to save the entire internet. With that final thought, all the mini-choppers in the hangar took off zooming up into the skies. Everyone headed strait for the clone device.
    "All pilots, report in!" JohnArnold said over the speaker. At that, everyone in the choppers began to confirm their presence in the attacks.
    Once everyone had done so, Raptor-Rex joined in: "Ready the missiles." The pilots turned to their control boards to flip switches and press buttons. The choppers came into formation as they came ever closer to the device. The Admin Fleet rode again, and John was proud of it.
    "This is it," Vader said at last as they all turned downward to begin their assult, unsure of any tricks the Flooder would try. They shifted in their seat, ed their knuckles, and wiped any remaining sweat from their brow, as the ever-growing anticipation drew to its close. As all eyes rested on Plan A, the Battle for the Internet began . . .

    The massive fleet of mini-choppers came up right next to the top surface of the clone device. They aimed and fired their missiles, repeatedly arding the machinery as their powerful weapons did well to penetrate the shield. Several patches all over the device exploded in flames. Icebreaker, one of the pilots, started firing to close ahead of him as his missiles exploded on the device directly on the underbelly of his chopper.
    "Ice, pull up!" Vito yelled over the speakers. Icebreaker veered his vessel upward to avoid the flames and sparks that danced wildly below him. "You'd better watch it! Yo almost caught fire."
    "Got a little cooked, yeah. I'll be more careful next time," Icebreaker replied with affirmation. The rest of the fleet circled around, the pilots wondering why the Flooders hadn't sent out their own aircraft for fighting. Suddenly, the question was answered. As everyone turned back down to head in for a second attack run, several compartments flashed open as dozens of bright, white and blue tracker-torpedoes were fired from within the gloomy bowels of the tower.
    "Look out! Tracker missiles at point 0-35!" JohnArnold warned. Already, several of the choppers had gotten just too close to the surface already when the surprising torpedoes were sprung on them. Four of the choppers collided with the speedy torpedoes as the final cries of the pilots were heard over the comm. "Turn the other way!"
    Following John's command, everyone else sped away quickly so as not to collide head on with the trackers. Everyone picked up two missiles, gaining in a formation so that everyone could fire at each other's backs to rid their presence of the trackers. Just as they had begun to get rid of the annoying, flashing weapon-fire, more compartments in the towers opened up, spewing out double the amount originally ejected. "Oh great!" Cyros exhaled.
    "Head for the Leader's throne room! Maybe if we maneuver well enough, we can get some of these trackers of our backs to crash into the room," Raptor-Rex suggested. Everyone replied positively, recognizing it as a good idea. They headed upward to get close to the throne room when suddenly, from the top of the tower, two double-defender s ejected, aiming with precision at the upcoming mini-choppers and rapid-firing at them. Quickly, all the pilots veered away from the throne room, trackers still racing behind them.
    "On second thought, lets skip that idea of your's, eh Raptor-Rex?" Jon said.
    "Agreed," Raptor-Rex said blandly. They turned to get back around, hugging the vertical surface of the massive clone device. The pilot steered their craft up and down in a bumpy path, trying to get the trackers that clung behind them to crash into the device. Most everyone succeeded in doing so, except for Vader.
    "This is hopeless. They have plenty of those tracker torpedoes and who-knows-what-else waiting for us if we go back to try a destroy it. We should get back to the fleet ASAP. Plan B is more promising," JohnArnold admitted. As much as he wanted to try again, enough pilots had already been lost and he knew it was pointless to only waste further lives when they could not reach their goal of destroying the device.
    At JohnArnold's command, everyone headed back for the fleet. "Vader," John called to his friend over the radio, who was still racing around the device behind everyone else to rid himself of the last tracker he had tailing him. "Need help?"
    "No, I'll get it off me in just a second. Go ahead back to the fleet, I'll be right behind you," the Admin replied.
    "Are you sure, Vader?" a worried Raptor-Rex replied.
    "Yes. No more talking, I have something else to focus on right now." Vader switched of his comm as he spun to get the tracker away from him. He looped upward and spun his mini- chopper in a circle, diving straight towards the surface of the device, the tracker right behind him. At the very last moment, he pulled up as the tracker slammed into the side of the towers.
    He gave a sigh of relief. He had finally done it. But just as he went to leave two more trackers came flying toward him, followed by another and another and another. Becoming a bit overwhelmed, Vader spiraled backward as sweet flowed from his brow. He dove and shook his craft sideways to make one of the trackers explode against the device. He put his craft in reverse, spinning at lighting speed to take out three more behind him and then spin back to loop around. He now had two more to take care of - and he had to do it and get back to the fleet before he would be chased by any more of the torpedoes that slowed him down.
    Just then, as he flew in a strait path, contemplating his next move, the two torpedoes came together, joined and became another, doubling in size, speed, and energy. Vader gasped as the massive double-tracker accelerated to graze the back of his tale, beginning to melt the metal. Just one more fraction-of-a-second, and he'd be .
    Just then, Raptor-Rex came speeding forward out of the blue at breakneck speed, zooming straight toward him. He fired straight-forward, hitting the double-tracker, causing it to explode and speeding up and away to get out of Vader's way and allow him to follow him. "Thanks a lot for that one," Vader said over the speaker.
    "I'll always do my best to back you up, old friend," Raptor-Rex smiled as the two Admins raced back to the fleet to join other pilots that had already landed there. They sped into the hangar, landing their ships and a hurry and jumping out as AcroIguana and SamFan approached.
    "I'm sorry, Acro. But there was no use in an aerial attack," JohnArnold informed him.
    "I saw. I know you did your best. I am sure that Plan B will prove to be a more promising way of destroying it," Acro nodded. All the ground troops had raced out to assemble to march forward with Majestic-1 along with them. River and Para arrived just in time, having left Enella in safety with AlanGrant5.
    "Are we ready then? Let's begin," Majestic-1 said as he stroked his two mega-machine s, expertly crafted from years of experience. Vader, Raptor-Rex, River, Para, and Cyros all drew their personal swords as JohnArnold drew his trusty, trademark s. Time for Plan B, with no time to lose.

    The ground troops assembled on the massive battle plain. Hundreds of them had been lined up, their weapons aimed forward, awaiting their opponents, with Majestic-1, Jon, and Rexoraptor in the lead. Everyone still as the wind whistled past them as a ly silence befell Dan's JP3 Page. On the other end of the battle plan, at the very base of the towering clone device, extremely huge, metal double doors opened with a loud creak an bang. Behind, blackness was revealed.
    And then, as all watched, hundreds of troops came marching out, their in sync footsteps echoing throughout the plain of green grass. The Clones clad in red armor moved forward. The marching went on for minutes, as more and more troops poured out, each clone having his own single purpose - to destroy the United Legislatures' troops. Finally, the good stood, facing the evil, each side preparing for war. Majestic-1 held his s high in the air. "Charge!" he yelled as all of the United Legislature's troops ran forward. The Clones did the same. Both groops ran across as a rumble rolled throughout the ground.
    Both group collided with each other head on a loud clang. The mixture of screams, bullet- fire, metal scraping, armor ing, and footsteps pounding arose, serving a giant sound mixture, as if crying out to confirm that war had begun.

    On the side of the clone device, on the backside of the tall bluff, Raptor-Rex, Vader, JohnArnold, River, Para, and Cyros ran as fast as they could, their weapons in defense position. They proceeded to the top of the bluff, to the smallest, the most seemingly insignificant entrance into the clone device, covered with a grey haze by the shadow of the tall machinery that stood above them. All together, the Admins tore into the door with their swords, quickly breaking through.
    Almost immediately after they did so, they ran down the hallway to head for the core of the device, only to be met by something they hadn't expected - hunters were leading clones forward to meet them. It was an ambush. "Ahead!" Raptor-Rex warned. The Admins all formed a defensive circle so as to cover each other's backs to both attack and deflect their oncoming attackers.
    Out of all the red armor of the clones, the blue, silver, and purple armor of the hunters, one man stood out in the forefront - with battered green armor with touches of maroon and grey in places. It was none other than the right hand man of the Leader of the Flooders - River instantly recognized him as Jedrek Div. As the Admins searched for a way to escape, the Flooders advanced very quickly.
    "This is it! Give up!" Jedrek called out in a raspy voice. It seemed that they had been beaten, it was true. But the Flooders didn't realize there was one other means of escape. Quickly, JohnArnold fired his strait upward, tearing into the air duct above them. The Admins started to jump upward to escape into the duct, but at realizing this, the Flooders open fired. Everyone got into the duct - except for Para, who'd been grazed at her leg by a bullet. She fell to the ground as Jedrek Div moved in. The clones fired upward into the air duct, but the Admins had already crawled down the duct far enough to avoid the fire. As the fire died down, they could hear the voices of the Flooders.
    "The Leader commands she began to the throne room," came the voices, which began to die down.
    "I have to go back and get Para! You keep on going so you can reach the core. We'll meet up with you there!" River said with determination and worry of his wife.
    "River, we should not split up. Let's all go rescue her," Raptor-Rex began.
    "No! The destruction of the device will only be delayed further! Go and hurry while we still have time!" River didn't any longer to talk. He raced back down the vent.
    There was one other thing he hadn't told his comrades as to why he wanted to separate. Of course he knew that they had to hurry to reach the core, and of course he longed to rescue River. But he wanted to do one more thing, one thing that he knew Vader as well as everyone else would disapprove of. Even though he knew all too well that rage was not something to be embraced, he had to do it, for his feelings of loathing were incredibly strong. He had have his own revenge on the Leader of the Flooders, face-to-face, one last time . . .

    Para stood in the throne room of the Leader of the Flooders. River had related to her practically a thousand times the experiences he'd had in the Leader's throne room when he had been his apprentice so long ago, what he did there. But only now did she connect with his feelings of darkness when she was in it herself.
    The Leader's throne swilled from overlooking the giant plain battle below him. He stood up, and walked down his stairs, circling her, his face shielded by the black hood attached to his flowing black robes. His evil glare was not seen by Para, who stood, unsure of what to expect. "Do you know of what pain that awaits you, my young maiden?" he asked her, his voice dripping with menace. Para looked at him, worry just barely beginning to creep into her thoughts. She simply shook her head, but only slightly. "It will be the worst you have ever felt," the Leader continued, "And yet I would rather not waste you, my dear. I can see that your skills would be of much use to me. While you could use definite refinement in the ways of darkness, you would be a welcome one to take River's place as my appre-"
    "No." Para's single word of denial echoed through the darkened room. Her words were firm, strong. She said it, knowing she would receive retaliation, expecting it. Yet she couldn't have braced herself for what was hurled at her next.
    Red, blazing, searing bolts of sheer energy came generating forth from the slate black walls, the hidden devices having been activated by the furious Leader, tearing into her and knocking her backwards. The surge had completely been taken her by surprise, for River had never told her that the Leader had possessed such power. The aftermath of the shocks produced thin, winding lightings curling around her body, consuming parts of her clothing and burning it to ashes. She started to get up on her feet again as she saw somebody else come to enter the room from behind the Leader.
    Prepare to face your ," River's dark tone echoed through the room. The Leader turned as Para pulled herself up from the floor. River chopped off the panel from the wall that the Leader had been using, the red lightning energy from within consuming the blade of his sword. absorbing the blot with his sword, which caused it to glow red. River gazed back at Para. "Run! I'll take care of him!" Para ran to the corner to leave the throne room as fast as possible.
    River turned, fire burning in his eyes as the Leader brought up the sword he had taken from Raptor-Rex at the battle that took place right after the Unnamed Site's explosion. River's face scrunched as he gave a purely evil look at the man who had raised him, a look of pure, raw, unadulterated hatred, rage, and loathing. He exploded in rage as he leapt towards the Leader, consumed by anger. Their duel began.

    The battle on the plains raged on.
    Majestic-1 bent low kicking his leg out at the knee joints of a group of the clones causing them to tumble backwards. He brought one of his mega-machine-guns forward to unload upon when as he whipped his other behind him to smash the head of another clone. He spun around, took that one out, jumped and landed in the middle of another troop, crouching low and spinning, holding down the trigger to rapid fire on all the clones around him. Finished with the clones immediately in his area, Majestic ran over to another part.
    As he did, the mammoth double doors at the base of the nearby clone device opened once again at their recognizable clang. Majestic groaned and a whole other set of hundreds upon hundreds of warriors marched out to meet the forces of good. He ran forward to unload upon the new clones as well taking down several of them. As the clones to continued to march out of the doors, troop after troop, they retaliated upon Majestic. He ducked to avoid the thick shower of bullets that reigned on top of him. He ran forward, back into the crowd behind him as more clones advanced.
    Jon and Rexoraptor approached from behind. "Maj! I don't know how we'll win this! We've lost half our men!" Jon cried out.
    "We'll try our damndest, anyway!" Maj said, excitement emerging from him as he reloaded his two weapons. Rexoraptor and Jon nodded firmly and joined their friend open firing. Despite the doom that now loomed over the entire United Legislature, they would fight to the .

    Vader, Raptor-Rex, JohnArnold, and Cyros made their way through the piping in the vent. It was almost like a maze, with pipes and wired running everywhere, all around them. It was becoming more and more narrow and a squeeze as they advanced. "Do you hear that?" Raptor-Rex asked the others. The stopped and listened. Right below them, they heard the faint buzzing of extreme power. Cyros ripped off a piece of metal below them with his sword as they peered downward. Through a large vat and beyond, they saw the huge, bright, orange glow of the central core that powered the entire device.
    Without question, the Admins dropped, whipping out their swords to cut through the vat as they fell, causing an array of sparks and landed in the room with the generator. JohnArnold reached into his pouch as the Admins looked on at the impressive core, retrieving the ten, very rare es needed to completely wipe out the machine.
    With a loud bang, Cyros suddenly dropped to the floor, , his head lying in a pool of red. Bewildered, the Admin's eyes darted around to search for the shooter in denial. "Cyros!" Raptor-Rex yelled as he bent low.
    "Look!" JohnArnold yelled as he aimed and fired upward. Several elevators came rocketing down from the top of the core, packed with clones inside, aiming to fire at the Admins. Vader and Raptor-Rex pulled out their swords, twirling their blades to deflect any bullets that came their way. John open fired. He was about to use one of the es to hurl toward the troops of Flooders that would soon be upon them, but knew every single one of the small, weapons would be needed for the detonation.
    The elevators reached the bottom. Vader and Raptor-Rex advanced, showing no fear, cutting down and deflecting. JohnArnold brought his legs back and then jumped high into the air to land on top of the generator in the middle of the central core. As fast as possible, he struggled to set every single explosion set. He didn't get far before clones climbed up to meet him. They all circled him. He was shot directly in the leg and he fell to the base. The clones aimed again, this time for John's head.
    There was a huge flash and nearly two thirds of the clones in the room were sent into flames and explosion in a surge of smoke. John looked over to see the man in green armor high near the top of the room who'd wiped out the crowd of clones, the man who River had identified as Jedrek Div. John had no clue as to why the man would save his head from being blasted open, but he was glad that his life had been saved anyway. Jedrek disappeared from the core room and as Vader and Raptor-Rex continued to battle the remaining clones in the room, John pulled himself back toward the middle of the center of the core, clutching his leg.
    A womanly body ran up to him, her clothing half torn open and scorched. John looked up to see the person's face. I was none other than Para, who picked up a from one of the clones. "I'll cover you," she smiled and she quickly helped him get back to set the es. Within a few minutes, John had it set. He and Para jumped down to join Vader and Raptor-Rex. They had five minutes to escape with their lives. Para was hoping with all her heart that River would join them soon . . .

    River's mouth contorted into a scowl of fury as he repeatedly slashed at the Leader of the Flooders, who deflected every blow in his elegant darkness. Black robes twirled through the air as the Leader appeared to be immersed in the battle, not tired whatsoever. River was as fast as lighting at his sword, still having streaks of red lighting cling to it as he attacked repeatedly. His anger controlled him as he ferociously advanced to try to savagely take the life of the Leader of the Flooders.
    In his blinding of red fury, River was not concentrating as he yelled at the top of his lungs, striking the Leader with so much intensity and pure, utter hatred, only focusing on the of the having his revenge. In this, he did not expect the Leader's move of quickness as he blocked River's blow, ducked and twirled to dart behind him. In one quick thrust, the Leader chopped the entire arm of River. "Ah!" River screamed as he fell to the floor. The Leader cackled at seeing his former apprentice writhe in pain.
    "It is impossible to conquer me, young River," the Leader said, evil oozing forth from his very being. He was none other than the very personification of badness, and River realized that he was beginning to become the same. "I am impressed by your fighting, letting your hatred consume you. You would truly be a worthy apprentice, as you have been so long ago. But now River, there is no hope. In the core, hordes of my clones await your insignificant team planning to destroy it. Out on the plain battle, my armies are destroying your ground troops. And now, you will die, as will your wife, and your child . . ."
    Uncontrollable rage filled River again, but whereas normally it would have lasted, the realization that in battle, he had become equal to the Leader of the Flooders in terms of rage and hatred, allowed him slowly calm himself . . . just before the attack came. Lighting bolts came shooting forward from another hidden panel in the walls, into the wound where his arm as been as he yelled in pain. The bolts continued, somehow stronger, more painful, and longer lasting. He tried to pull himself up, not having time to recover before another burst. More bolts seared across his skin, and he was unable to even try and crawl away from the inexplicable pain. The next thrust snapped him to lay on his back as he was thrown across the floor, beginning to go into convolutions. Inevitable began to come upon him.
    There was a break as the Leader drew closer to gaze him right in the eye, taking at seeing his pain. River knew what was coming as he lie there, his body smoking. He ened his muscles as he closed her eyelids shut ly, bracing for his final blow. Just as the bolts to ensure his were fired, an armored figure jumped to absorb the bolts himself. Lightning consumed the figure as River stared at him in shock at recognizing the man as Jedrek Div.
    Jedrek stood, just a bit weakened, aiming to shoot the Leader with his weapon. Before he could pull the trigger, more and more lighting folded upon him as the Leader looked at his right hand man who was trying to save River, disgusted in all entirety. He did not stop the searing red bolts, he allowed them to keep coming and coming and coming as they pierced armor and clothing. River wanted to somehow get up, but as he tried, the Leader quickly shot him with more bolts, and then returned to the torture of Jedrek.
    For long moments of intense pain, Jedrek lie being thrown and smacked out the room as River looked on in horror. He had to try something, but yet again, his ideas were abashed as lightning quickly pinned him again, then returning to continue on Jedrek. Div's body went in convolutions as over and over he was thrown about, being smacked by the powerful lightning into the walls as the Leader looked at him with rage. Nearly paralyzed by the pain, Jedrek exerted himself one last time when throne forward to reach out and grab River's sword that had been cast across the floor as he was throne forth. When the lightning carried him forward, he snapped off the torture panel and then brought the sword back around in one swift motion, took of the head of the Leader and smashed to floor. All was silent.
    River couldn't believe what had happened as he lay in awe at Jedrek Div. Jedrek's breathing could still be heard, by River could tell from its sound that he was very close do after worst attack River had ever seen. With his remaining arm, he pulled himself forward, but barely able to, to lay next to Jedrek's body. The man's head slowly craned sideways to look at him, masked by his helmet. "River," he spoke in a weak tone.
    "Yes, Jedrek?" River replied, feeling sorry for the man.
    "Take my mask off . . . please, take it off." River nodded, leaning forward to slide the battered helmet off of his head. Underneath, he just stared at the mans face. Deep inside him, emotions surged as he recognized exactly who it was. He gazed into his eyes, as a jump came into his throat, distant memories filling him.
    "Father?" River asked, his voice wavering.
    "It's me . . . Beno-Yo. I . . . I . . ."
    "You are Jedrek Div?"
    "When we were trapped with the Flooders so long ago . . . when you were very young . . . the Leader captured you, thinking I was . . . I knew they would raise you to be a Flooder . . . I knew I had to look over you as you grew up . . . so that just maybe . . . I could steer you away from the Leader . . . and bring you to a good path . . ."
    "It was you!" River smiled with a tear coming from his eye. "Your flight plan! It caused me to crash on the Unnamed Site! You were the one that caused me to find the Admins!"
    Beno-Yo smiled and nodded his head. "I regret having to disguise myself as a Flooder . . . but it was the only way to save you from . . . being joined with the Leader of the Flooders forever. . . Am so proud River . . . of you . . . and what you've accomplished . . . I love you so much." With a last twinkly in his eye and a smile, the great Admin of old, Beno-Yo, closed his eyes as he passed in .
    River bent low, closing his arm around his father's body and hugging him, sharing one last moment with each other.

    Vader, Raptor-Rex, and Para, who helped JohnArnold rush forward with his leg wound, ran as breakneck speed back through the vent landing the in the corridor near the back door. Everyone was hoping that River was finding another way out, and as much as they wanted to go to look for him, they knew it would be useless, that they only had one minute left. Clones ran after them, coming out from doors in the walls as firing. The Admins didn't even turned to fight. They simply took one final bound and ran out of the device, down the bluff and across the plain as soon as possible.

    Rexoraptor shouted for everyone to race as all of the ground troops of the United Legislature turned and ran back towards the fleet awaiting them on the other end. The clones of the Flooders started to give chase. Just as they did, there was a loud rumble. The ground shook as the massive clone device shuddered and then exploded from the center, fire flaming out the reach out and consume all of the clone army below on the battle plains, destroying them. Another explosion erupted, reaching up to the base of the throne room as the forces of good cheered in escaping the destruction.

    River dragged his father's body, feeling the base of the throne room begin to crumble as he entered the escape pod in the side of the wall, created for use by the Leader. He quickly pulled him and his father inside as he slammed on the controls, causing the pod to eject itself from the throne room just as it exploded. River looked behind him while the pod shot toward the awaiting United Legislature's fleet. The Leader of the Flooder's throne room was destroyed along with the entire clone device. Evil had been defeated.

    That night, in the middle of the jungle, River, with his shoulder bandaged up after the dismembering of his arm, and his wife Para stood together, with Vader, Raptor-Rex, JohnArnold, Jon, Majestic-1, Rexoraptor, AcroIguana, and SamFan and everyone else in the Legislature standing before a funeral pyre. They all watched body of Beno-Yo burn, gazing solemnly, paying their respects to wonderful and heroic Admin who had paved the way for victory and the defeat of the Leader of the Flooders. The name of Cyros, along with other soldiers lost in battle was set beside him. Everyone owed allegiance and respect, and everyone had their own, different memories of those that died, but they all loved them dearly. And although they were gone, the feelings for them would endure forever.

    Celebration took off throughout the internet. Every single site's members gathered together in appreciation for being released from oppression and badness. There had never been such an event in all the internet's history.
    But none of the celebrations were larger than the one that took place that night on Dan's JP3 Page. Everyone gathered together in the cities, in the jungles, in the plains - everywhere. AcroIguana embraced the crew of his ship, congratulating them on a job well done. Majestic-1, Jon, and Rexoraptor came together with the loving JohnArnold and SamFan to rejoice. Raptor- Rex and Vader over-joyously hugged River and Para at finally finishing the long, hard battle that had taken so much of their lives to endure. AlanGrant5 carried the wide-eyed Enella back to her parents as River and Para nuzzled her and kissed each other passionately. Everyone, everywhere rejoiced. Evil had been defeated! Long live the legacy of Dan! Long live peace and justice! Long live the Admins!

    (Written by Vader)

    ICEBREAKER: This happens to be the favorite story for a lot of people...tell us a few secrets about it

    VADER: Originally, the entire story was going to a giant battle. I actually wrote a rough draft of that too, but once I read it, I saw that it grew tiresome about half way through. I know that to some people, the entire story being a battle might sound great - but trust me on this one, the story got old at chapter 5 in the rough draft. So, I set out to add the bit about JohnArnold going back to his home world to reunite with his friends, to flesh out his character a bit more. And I added the sequence of River's going to of BrianW14 as a result of his rage. I think these two sequences added to the climax made the reader worry more and care more for the characters. So, the final draft is by far MUCH better than my first draft.

    I: When you were writing this did you ever think about another trilogy after this one?

    V: I considered it, but I decided in the end that I wanted to finish it.

    I: Do you think people would LIKE to see another trilogy about EP7-EP9?

    V: I'm sure many would. But I'm not making any more episodes. The actual six episodes, which make up the Site Wars Saga, have the purpose of telling how the Admins defeat the Flooders and to tell the story of Beno-Yo's family. If I made three more episodes, it would stray from the purpose of the first six. But don't worry - there will be Expanded Universe type stories that will tell the further adventures of the characters.

    I: How did you come up with this awesome conclusion to your saga?

    V: I wanted there to be the mother-of-all-Site-Wars-battles to take place and have there be a major surprise. I also wanted to make the Admin's defeat of the Flooders realistic. I achieved all of this mainly by using the character of Jedrek Div.

    I: What were your inspirations for this shocking ending?

    V: The only thing that slightly inspired me was the ‘I am your Father' bit from The Empire Strikes Back. I wanted a shocker that would be just as surprising. So I came up with the idea to have Beno disguise himself as Jedrek Div when I started writing Episode IV of Site Wars. From then on, throughout the sequel trilogy, there is hints that Jedrek is really a good person, if you take the time to notice - for example, in Episode V, when the Flooders are about to Vader and Raptor- Rex, Jedrek says to put them in prison instead, that type of stuff.

    I: How do you like the huge responses you received with this exceptional story and is there anything you wish you would have done differently?

    V: I was so happy - especially since this was the end of the saga. I wanted everyone to really like the ending a lot and I'm glad that they did. As for anything I wish I would have done differently, there isn't anything major - I'm very happy with the plot and characters. But originally, the names of the weapons in this episode were really cheesy (such as ‘mega machine s'). This was pointed out to me by a couple of the members on the site and I decided to change the names of the weapons to something more cool, which I've done in the revision (example: P8-11 Bulls- Eye)

    I: Is there anything you would like to say to the fans in regards to how you feel about there support of this WONDERFUL saga?

    V: I want to give my wholehearted thanks to everyone who has read these episodes. I truely couldn't have done this without you and all your support. I really mean it. And I'm very happy that you all are pleased with the final result. And I assure you that there will be Expanded Universe stories that will expand upon my saga for you to enjoy. And once again, I'm just going to give a major Thank you. :)


    5/10/2002 11:10:49 PM

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