Jurassic Park Trilogy DVD
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    Jurassic Park's dinosaurs were originally going to be realized using stop motion animation. When Spielberg saw what ILM could do with CGI, however, he changed his mind. (From: 't.rex')
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    Time preview
    By Tyrant_Attack

    This is just a preview of the story.Please give me your opinions.

    John Keller sat clutching the arm of a large leather seat. He could see the wall no more than two feet away from his face. He glanced up to see the sloping ceiling above. He was nervous and he could tell that his partner, Henry Weston, knew that he was nervous. This wasn't you average scientific field experiment. This was the first time travel test that had ever been preformed, and somehow he had volunteered without….
    “Keller, Keller,” Weston interrupted, “You okay? You look a little pale.”
    Keller turned in his seat to face Weston who seemed calm as usual.
    “Yeah,” Keller said hesitantly as he wiped the sweat from forehead, “just nervous.”
    The truth was that Keller was terrified about experiment. He had never been a risk taker, and he’d chosen the wrong day to become one. He thought back to that dreadful day when he’d agreed to participate. He thought that he’d be helping set up equipment and other machines, but what they didn’t tell him was that he’d be inside the experiment.
    They had failed to tell him that the experiment had involved a technology that had never been tested with humans. Sure you could make an apple for something that wasn’t living transfer from one time to another. That was small. That was simple. But what about the concept of a human. Could it be done…What if it couldn’t?
    Reality hit Keller in the face and he heard one of the scientist begin the count down.




    The numbers passed by as Keller closed his eyes and the fond memories of his family collection in his mind. He remembered his wife, and their three wonderful children. He remembered their ages…Eight, five, and two. He remembered promising them that he’d be alright, and that nothing was going to happen. He had lied. He knew that he’d be sent back some odd million years, and collect specimens of plants and animals…They wanted dinosaurs.

    Opinions please!

    7/14/2004 1:25:21 PM

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