Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    After Spielberg decided on using CGI instead of stop-motion for JP, the talents of the stop-motion experts were nevertheless put to good use, with ILM inventing a special device (the DID) to allow the animators to manipulate a CGI representation of a physical model.
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    Jurassic Park Warped
    By Tyrant_Attack

    This is my first story I have posted in a long while...So I don't know how good it will be so please leave you comments or suggests on how to make it better.

    Jurassic Park

    Chapter One

    The morning was cool with a light breeze. There were clouds that overhung the city of Troy. The city in ruins, attacked only a mere day earlier
    by the Greeks. The ground is stained with the blood of a thousand Trojans, including that of the Trojan Hector. There were several small fires that remained burning within the city walls.

    Odysseus stood at the stump of a large oak tree, the bark darkened and cracked. He walked in silence, along a narrow path that led into the forest. ‘It was so good to be at peace a again. You could stop and breathe the fresh air and
    not be shot at with poisonous arrows.’ He thought. He turned the walked around a trunk of an old oak. Then he stopped, and he stared. Odysseus turned to look behind him…Nothing. Where was he? He couldn’t remember now. His mind ached, the palms of his hands sweated, and he leaned against the trunk of a large tree unknown to him. ‘God, the trees weren’t even the same, and there was no going back. So in this case one must go forward.’ Thought Odysseus. He noted that the ground was cloaked in a low fog and it would be impossible for him to see underneath it. He stepped forward, and then there was a crack. He crouched down and lifted the object which lay beneath the snow white fog. ‘Bones’, he thought, ‘But from what?’ He resumed his cautious exploration of this new land. ‘Wait…The oracle,’ he remember, ‘the oracle had foretold of such an event.’Odysseus approached a faded metallic object
    covered in a pale green moss. He wiped the moss away with his hand and read the sign: Isla Nublar Research Station and Visitor’s Center. He felt unusually tired, and threw the sign down and climbed the nearest tree and fell away into a sleep.

    The electrical fence read 10,000 volts, but Tim Murphy didn’t believe it. He was a child of eleven years of age, and both his parents had divorced. That’s why he had been invited to his grandfather’s island resort. It wasn’t what he had expected. Most island resorts featured huge swimming pools, and all you can each buffets. The buffets were huge; you would begin with breakfast at eight o’ clock in the morning, and the time you where done with breakfast it was time for
    lunch and so on until dinner. If you where lucky there would be small bite size snacks for the people that couldn’t sleep because of all the excitement.
    But this--This is much more than he had expected. There was all that that
    normal resorts feature and there was the large pollution of animals. We’re not
    talking lions, tigers, and bears, But more of the extinct variety. You know…Dinosaurs.
    Tim loved dinosaurs and he always had. His father had scolded him many times for having such a hobby. His Father wished for him to have a normal hobby like Baseball, or television, but Tim ruled out all those and stuck with dinosaurs despite his father.Tim looked out the window of the landcruiser and saw an animal which lie in the undergrowth. He looked ahead and saw Grant, Dr. Sattler, Regis,and his sister Lex open the landcruiser door and head in the direction of the animal. Over the small built in radio he could hear Malcolm say, “Ummm-here I am by myself, talking to myself…That’s- That’s Chaos Theory!”
    Then Malcolm climbed out of the car and Tim felt that he should follow. Even though his grandfather would have the cars stopped because of this.

    Odysseus awoke well rested and restored, and he felt the pain of hunger deep within his stomach and felt that he needed to mount a hunt. He felt awkward noticing that he was the only one that would be going hunting in this land that he had barely explored. There was no telling just immense this land was or what creatures inhabited it. Odysseus then scouted the area around the tree until he found a branch of a dead tree that could be used for a weapon. He proceeded to use his sharp ax head to sharpen one end into a point that could be use for killing prey. Then the ground itself began to rumble and Odysseus heard the squawk of a very large bird, or so he thought. He walked toward the edge of the foliage and he stared. “Dragons,” he yelled, “how can this be?” Either way it didn’t matter…All that matter now was that there was food run-amuck and he had to kill one for food and to sacrifice to the gods.
    Then Odysseus heard the crack of branches and the sound of footsteps from behind him. He looked up to the canapé of the tree and there directly in his path was the thing he feared most. The monster that all Greeks and Romans feared.A monster that was to be slayed the mighty Hercules in the future, a monster called Hydra. Hydra showed great similarities to a dragon, but it did not breathe fire. Instead it was a monster with an astounding hundred heads. But each time one head was slice off, one or possibly two heads grew back to replace the old one. Odysseus himself had attempted to slay the creature, but all was in vain.

    To be Continued…

    4/20/2004 6:11:14 PM
    (Updated: 4/20/2004 6:52:30 PM)
    (Updated: 4/20/2004 6:55:04 PM)
    (Updated: 4/20/2004 6:56:04 PM)

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