Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    The spinosaur has apparently been tossed as a possible character for a long time -- you can play as the spino in the PS game "Warpath: Jurassic Park" (From: 'Mad Hatter')
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    Jurassic Park Preview
    By TyrannoRex112

    As if stabbed with a sharp needle, Gregory Chard jerked awake to the screams of birds. Heart slamming for a few seconds, he sat bolt upright, looking out towards the hideous squawking of birds.
    What now? What could possibly be bothering them? He thought as the squawking continued.
    Trying to collect his senses, Greg scrambled out of bed, remembering Hammond’s warning never to turn room lights on when alarms rang. Any alarms, including the stupid birds. He needed night vision out in the deep shadows around the trees and bushes and the path along the fences.
    Gregory Chard, a man in his mid-thirties and the head of the Rangers at Jurassic Park. John Hammond, his boss, was the founder and owner of the lovely animal preserve.
    Always sleeping fully clothed, Greg instantly ran outside. There was only a small piece of faded moon as Greg walked down the path.
    Air Rifle in hand, Greg walked fast past the 24-foot tall electrical fences. Nearing the sound of the squawking, Greg slowed.
    “What the hell is wrong?” Greg yelled at a parading bunch of peacocks. “What’s the matter?” Greg looked down, the up the path. There was nothing. Did the peacocks hear something? Was someone there? He couldn’t be sure. “Whatever…”
    Moving down the path, Greg threw a stick of gum in his mouth, humming softly.
    He stopped in front of a fence, chewing the gun in an obnoxious manner. He called out, “Hear Barney. Come on boy! Hear, Barney, Barney, Barney!”
    Greg heard a large snort, followed by a small bellow. Greg smiled as a large, reptilian head appeared from the darkness. He reached his hand through the fence and patted the large creature. It began making a purring sound, like a cat would.
    “Did Barney scare the peacocks? Yes he did. Oh goochy-goochy-goo!”
    Greg pulled his hand from the fence. The creature bellowed, saddened of Greg’s departure.
    Greg walked back up the path, humming.

    9/7/2002 10:29:05 AM

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