Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Spielberg liked the T-Rex sound effect in the original "King Kong" that he reportedly used it in both Jaws and Duel. (From: Ronald)
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    Alien Short
    By The_Newbie

    It's a little vague, but I guess it's ok.


    “Dude this party is going to be great!” Ted yells chugging beers already.

    “Yeah…” Amy looks to Ian

    “Whatever, just up the road.” Ian resumes driving

    A long shape whips across the road to the right of their view.

    “What was that?” Amy looks out the window slightly startled.

    “Looked like a giant lizard…” Ian

    “It’s Godzilla! Ha! Ha! Oh no! Godzilla! Hey!” Ted yells

    A sound catches their attention as it came from the roof. A tail breaks through the rear window, right through Ted’s chest. Ian and Amy run out of the car.

    “What the hell is that!” Amy screams, getting a glimpse of Alien, jumping off the car toward them.

    They reach the cement walls of a building and rush into the door, scrambling to lock it.

    “What are you people doing in here?” A security officer comments

    “There is some thing out there! We need to go! Move!” Ian rushes around the corner with Amy down the shelter corridor in which the Party was being held.

    The Security officer opens the door to see what they are screaming about and Alien looks down from the roof, jumping down onto the Security officer. Someone shuts the door behind him.

    “What the hell is that?” The portly person yells to his friends as they walk out of a room.

    A small hole begins to sizzle as they find out Alien’s acid ability works quite well.

    “Run bitch, run!” They start running.

    Ian, Amy and a few others go into a secret door leading to a bomb shelter under the building and hide there throughout the night and well into the morning. No sightings of Alien had occurred since which made them believe safety was not an issue anymore.

    “Yo! Get out here the party is still kicking! Lance brought an Elephant dude!” Martin, one of their friends finds them walking out of the bomb shelter and takes them outside.

    As they walk through the massive crowd, Ian gets a small glimpse of the Figure turning out to be Alien on the roof looking out into the crowd and starts dragging his 2 friends faster.

    “What’s wrong? Let’s check out that Elephant?” Amy tries to stop Ian

    “I saw it again! It’s on the roof! Let’s go!” Ian pulls her faster.

    Martin breaks from them and resumes partying like the other 100 people. The Elephant, rented from a circus rears up on two legs, letting out a loud roar as Alien leaps into the crowd, whipping its way toward the Elephant. Ian and Amy rush out of the crowd and try to find a car to get out with. Screaming echoes the sky as the horror sets in on what’s happening. Partygoers begin running for their lives. Alien leans over the rapidly decaying alien carcass after it’s tail had been torn off from one of the tusks and spilling the acid on the Elephant and some people.

    Ian and Amy get into someone’s car and they start driving off. Alien topples a few teens, ripping them apart and continues it’s bloody massacre.

    “Die you UFO flying son of a bitch!” An alien enthusiast (nerd) runs at Alien with torch.

    Alien jumps on the teen, also catching on fire. Alien screeches. The fire slowly spreads, catching onto some rushing teens. Alien melts away. To the horror of the widespread screaming and running of the partygoers, a few more Aliens take the place of the dead one.

    9/9/2004 6:38:05 AM

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