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By Michael Crichton
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    TRIUMVIRATE SE Deleted Scene 2
    By The Host

    This is an alternate version of the brief scene in which
    Davies confronts Dawson about his placement with the Black
    Aces. This version is a little longer; Davies isn’t quite
    confrontational enough; and Dawson massages Jack’s ego a
    little too gratuitously. I also didn’t like Dawson’s brief
    monologue. It isn’t much different from the new version,


    The Pleasure Gardens are breathtaking. Set as they are
    within the harshly-lit cavernous dome, they provide a
    verdant contrast to the rock and concrete surrounding. Lush
    vegetation crawls across the walkways between planters.
    Fountains and statues and benches dot the pleasant space.
    Hundreds of CITIZENS and OFF-DUTY SOLDIERS congregate in the
    space. Within the throng walk Jack Davies and Admiral
    Dawson. Every moment or two Dawson is interrupted by an
    admirer saluting or saying ‘Hello’ or ‘How do you do?’

    So how have you been getting on
    with your new wingmates?

    Pretty well, I suppose. New
    routines take adjusting to, I

    Dawson nods.

    I’m glad to hear it.

    They continue on in silence a moment or two. Then Davies

    Sir, why did you put me with that
    flight group? They seem so much
    more experienced than me.

    Dawson smiles.

    Perhaps I see a bit of myself in
    you, Mr. Davies. And like me, you
    could become one of the Fleet’s
    great commanders one day, if you
    so chose to remain in the
    military. And if you receive
    proper training. You see, I’ve
    placed you in Flight Wing Eleven
    more for your sake than for that
    of your new companions: within
    that circle you will learn more
    than you ever could from the most
    advanced simulators. Experience
    drips from their fingers, and
    wisdom. And I have great things in
    mind for you, Mr. Davies. Very
    great things indeed.

    They continue on. Davies thinks hard, then finally stops
    walking. Dawson halts with him and turns to him as Davies
    reaches into his breast pocket and discretely withdraws the
    vial. He holds it up, looks to Dawson, and nods. Dawson
    serenely takes it from him.

    Thank you, Jack. Thank you.

    The Admiral very quickly places the vial in a pocket of his
    own uniform.

    I’d best see to this.
    (He begins to walk away,
    looking back to Jack)
    Be ready, Mr. Davies. We go to
    battle as soon as we can!

    The Admiral turns around, almost bumping into a SHORT
    SOLDIER that was saluting him, and rushes away.



    4/12/2003 3:16:21 AM
    (Updated: 4/12/2003 3:16:53 AM)
    (Updated: 4/12/2003 6:09:34 PM)
    (Updated: 4/12/2003 6:09:54 PM)

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