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By Michael Crichton
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    TRIUMVIRATE SE Deleted Scene 1
    By The Host

    This scene was replaced by the scene between Davies and
    Dawson in the Pleasure Gardens at the beginning of the
    chapter entitled ‘Faith’. The function of the scenes – to
    reveal character and backstory, establish the bonds between
    Davies and Dawson, and set the scene for Jack’s entry into
    the Black Aces, remain the same. This version is longer,
    though, and wordy. Also, Dawson comes off as kind of self-
    centered here, and much more talkative than he normally is.
    Davies, on the other hand, is a bit too familiar with Dawson
    – Jack kind of sucks up to the Admiral and thus wouldn’t
    really describe the Admiral’s profession by saying, ‘It


    Transports and shuttles move between the buildings of the
    spectacular underground city.


    Jack Davies now finds himself inside a dark dining room with
    Admiral Dawson. Their table, polished black, is lit; the
    rest of the room is engulfed in darkness. A variety of foods
    expertly arranged lie between the two men, and as they eat –
    taking a plate at a time and finishing its meager contents –
    SERVERS appear to remove their cleaned dishes and replace
    them with new foods before melting back into the shadows.

    So, Mr. Davies, tell me about

    Davies stammers a bit, smiling, as he answers.

    I – well, what is it you’d like to

    I’d like to know about your life.
    I suppose to begin with you can
    tell me why you joined the Fleets.

    Davies plays with his food, now a small pasta dish, twirling
    the noodles with his fork.

    Well, sir . . . I guess for
    financial reasons. I’d like to go
    to university, study
    psychohistory, and that takes
    money. But, also, well, a very
    good friend of mine joined up and
    I figured I would too.

    Dawson nods. Davies eats in silence for a moment, then puts
    down his fork. Immediately a server comes and removes his
    plate, startling him, and another server leaves a shrimp
    dish in the middle of the table.

    And what do you think of military

    Actually, sir, I think it kind of
    sucks, with all due respect. I
    didn’t think we’d go to war, but
    here I am, risking my life for the

    I’ve been in the military as long
    as I can remember, Mr. Davies, and
    even before that. I can’t imagine
    a life out there, outside of the
    Fleets. But I have watched in my
    years – which are considerable,
    but how considerable I’ll never
    tell – I have watched this
    government slowly rot and wither.
    Or perhaps it has long been rotten
    and withered and I’ve only
    gradually become aware of it.

    I understand; I mean, for a
    government with no enemies to
    manufacture a biological
    weapon.... That is what they’re
    doing, right? Why?

    Not the United government, not
    that Corporate Punch and Judy
    show. The cult of money strangles
    our government. The Senate pushes
    and pouts and demands higher
    salaries and blocks attempts to
    reform at every turn. Thus the
    Senators convince themselves that
    they still matter, they’re still
    vital cogs in the great machine.
    But they’re not. They simply
    legitimate the actions of the
    Corporation, the CEO, and his
    Presidential marionette.

    Then the Corporation. What’s in it
    for them? They already control the
    government of the mightiest nation
    of men in the universe; what else
    do they want?

    Lust for power, Mr. Davies, is a
    beast not so easily tamed, and
    rarely rational. I can’t
    understand what they could hope to
    gain by conquering barbarians. But
    whatever their intentions may be,
    they shall be foiled by what you
    have brought here with you.

    Dawson’s plate is removed from under his nose and a sponge
    cake is added to the orgy of food. Davies thinks for a
    moment before speaking.

    About that. I was going to ask you
    about that. Um . . . What -- what
    should I do with it?

    Hold on to it tightly. Hide it.
    Keep it safe. In time you can give
    it to me for safer keeping, and I
    will see to it that it is
    replicated and distributed at
    need. But grant it to me only when
    you are ready – when you trust
    that I will use it justly. Time is
    pressing, and I urge you not to
    tarry too long with your doubts.
    But until such time as you feel
    it’s safe to pass it on you shall
    have it for yourself.

    Davies nods and takes a tentative bite out of the strange
    black substance now on his plate. Stifling a look of disgust
    he puts down his fork and pushes the plate away.

    Well, sir, I think I’m done. Thank
    you so much for the meal. But
    what’s next, if I may ask?


    No, I mean, uh, more broadly.
    What’s next for me here?

    Oh. Well, Mr. Davies, I’ve read
    your dossier.

    The attendants, who have quickly cleared the table, now
    place a rather disgusting-looking dish before each of the
    men at the table. Davies doesn’t notice; he looks keenly at
    I must say that I was very
    impressed. You’re an intelligent
    man, Jack. Very intelligent.

    Jack smiles at this, his cheeks shading subtle scarlet.

    A little inexperienced. But you
    could be a very valuable resource
    for our rebellion. Leadership
    qualities, amiable – all of this I
    could have guessed without looking
    it up, just from our conversation
    – and an incredible drive to
    achieve. The last surprised me, I
    admit. So many men are drawn to
    the Fleets by the promise of
    power; they’re barely able to
    restrain their ambition and they
    have no ability to hide it. In my
    experience these men are usually
    failures. Your determination,
    however, is well hidden by
    humility. You are a subtle man,
    Jack. I admire that.

    (Smiling coyly)
    Thank you, sir. But I’m not in the
    Fleets for the long haul and I’m
    really not that ambitious.

    Exactly. I’m assigning you to
    Flight Wing eleven, the so-called
    Black Aces. They’re good, Jack,
    very good. You’ll thrive.

    Dawson brings a forkful of his dessert to his mouth and
    chews it slowly, savoring the taste.

    It’s very good, Jack. An imported
    delicacy. We’ll be wanting for
    such things in the dark days
    before us.

    Jack takes a bite, failing to hide his reluctance, and chews
    with a half-smile half-grimace plastered across his face.



    4/12/2003 3:12:44 AM
    (Updated: 4/12/2003 3:16:35 AM)
    (Updated: 4/12/2003 6:08:51 PM)

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