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    While Eddie successfully pulls the two-part trailer back up the cliff in TLW with his Mercedes ML320, it's unlikely that the SUVs' 215-hp V6 engine could have done it. (From: 'JasonSpidey')
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    TRIUMVIRATE (Installment Four)
    By The Host

    Here's part four of Triumvirate; roughly the next eleven minutes (to the forty-two minute mark). Look for the next installment Wednesday!


    ‘You’ve got mail!’ the spinning envelope icon boldly announces. Jack Davies, tired as he is, stays awake in the half-light emitted by the computer monitor, deep in thought. Absentmindedly he fingers the vial in his left breast pocket. Finally Jack turns to the holographic display and, pressing his finger to the email icon, drags it to the monitor screen itself. When it contacts the screen the holographic envelope opens up and a letter appears, upon which is inscribed in simple calligraphy: ‘From THE GUARDIAN at 0760.’ After a moment the letter dissolves before Davies’s eyes and then resolves itself into text: “ABOVE HANGAR 14Z AT 1500 TODAY”

    Davies is intrigued. He’s considering the text when the door slides open. Robert Johnson enters and turns on the lights, blinding Davies. Johnson staggers forward. Davies observes him silently. He checks his watch as the door shuts behind him, then looks up at his friend.

    It’s early. You been up all night?

    Yeah. Have you?

    Johnson grins wildly.

    Yeah. Last night before we have to get up for training, right?

    Davies just nods. Johnson drops a bundle he’d carried in and picks out of it a bottle of Scotch. He holds it up and peers into it.

    Consider it a parting gift from flight group seventeen-oh-one, our dearly departed.

    He smiles and looks at Davies, who is completely ignorant of his friend’s antics. Johnson discards the bottle and moves forward to read the message Davies still has displayed.

    Who’s that from?

    I don’t know.

    What are you going to do?

    I guess I’m going to be above hangar fourteen in seven hours.

    Johnson looks concerned.

    You sure that’s a good idea?

    No, not at all. It’s probably a profoundly bad idea.

    Johnson smiles.

    You want me to go with? You know—

    He leans back and draws two invisible laser guns from two imaginary holsters and fires them into the air.

    For backup?

    No. I think I’ll be fine. Nothing will happen to me. Not in a public place.

    Johnson nods; Davies shuts down the display and stands.

    But I’d better get some sleep first. Who knows what today will bring?

    Not me.

    Davies crashes into bed. Johnson watches him for a moment, already asleep, before turning the lights out.


    Far below, on the floor of the cavernous hangar, a battalion of SOLDIERS practice drill with incredible precision, their COMMANDER’S voice echoing throughout the space.

    PULL BACK to reveal Jack Davies perched on a balcony one hundred feet above them, looking down. He is visibly nervous. When he hears the voice behind him he spins around.

    DAWSON (O.S.)
    Jack Davies?


    A MAN steps out of the shadows, tall and grim; the voice has found a body. He is wearing the full uniform of an Admiral of the United Fleet. Davies is more than a little surprised: he immediately clicks his heels at attention and salutes. The tall man’s stolid face breaks into a slight smile and he salutes back.

    I’m sorry to have to meet you under such clandestine circumstances, so quickly improvised, but you must understand that it is difficult for me to escape the clutches of my entourage and the insufferable Admiral Copley.

    Admiral Dawson?


    Oh, I ... I just wasn’t sure that was you. I’ve never seen you before, sir.

    I’ve never seen you, Mr. Davies. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

    Dawson extends a hand. Davies shyly takes it.

    Now, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to be brief. If I’m not found they’ll be looking for me.
    I’ve called you here, Mr. Davies, because . . . Because I know what you’ve got in your left breast pocket.

    Davies is stunned.

    Oh, don’t seem so surprised. Not many Petty Officers meet with two Admirals in two days unless they hold something important indeed.

    Sir, I beg your pardon, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Of course you do. And so does Copley; there's the rub. For you see, Mr. Davies, Admiral Copley greatly desires that vial you hold. He’s been given orders by the highest authorities to obtain it from you any way he can.

    Will he kill me?

    Then you admit that you have it?

    A momentary pause as Davies thinks over his response. Then, simply:


    Then, to answer your question, no, he won’t kill you. Not yet at any rate. He has to determine first what you know, and who you’ve told, and who might actually believe you. The last thing he wants to do is make you into a martyr.

    Why are you telling me this? What am I supposed to do?

    Jack, the USS has engaged in an unprovoked attack on a medical research laboratory. You know that. The USS is developing a biological weapon, a deadly disease, for which the people of Al T’Har – the people on that medical station – have just found a cure. That much I’m sure you’ve guessed. What I want . . . What I want, Jack, is for you to come with me. To Gauleius Base. My people there pay their highest allegiance to me, not to the United Star Systems, and not to The Corporation. We’ve been planning something for some time, and you now may hold the key to it all. Not just the cure to a horrible disease, but the one piece of evidence that will finally reveal the USS for what it is.

    Davies considers this.

    Tell me, why should I trust you?

    Tell me, Jack, who else do you have to trust?

    Jack stares keenly at the Admiral.

    I leave tomorrow. The offer stands.

    With that Admiral Dawson recedes into shadow, leaving Davies alone with his thoughts.


    Robert Johnson, sitting at the desk at the rear of the room, interrogates his friend seated across from him.

    So are you gonna go with him?

    I don’t know. I think so. I mean, what else can I do? It’s not safe for me here.

    Maybe you should just come clean with Copley. I can’t imagine he’d do anything to you, Jack. He’s a good guy.

    Do you know him?

    He’s a fair commander, Jack. No, I don’t know him any more than you do. But I know he’s a good person. Call it my woman’s intuition.

    Robert, I want you to come with me.

    The question falls to the floor. Johnson stares down into nothingness for a moment before picking up the gauntlet. When he does so he speaks slowly, carefully choosing his words.

    I don’t think that’s very fair of you to ask me.

    Why not? What does it matter? Come with me, I’m sure Dawson’ll let you.

    Jack, don’t ask me to choose.

    Choose? What choice? Now you know what the USS stands for.

    I know what you think it stands for.

    It stands for the Corporation, nothing else. Jesus, for as long as I can remember the President’s been a Corporate stooge. You can see the strings being tugged every time he speaks.

    We’ve been through this before, Jack.

    I just don’t understand your undying affection for the State. You’d probably give your life for it.

    Yeah, I would. That’s why I’m in the fleet. For me it’s not just about money and a future.

    That’s not what it’s all about for me, either. But I, I couldn’t imagine giving my life for this State, and for what? For a government? For the Congress, for the President, for the Corporation? I mean, why are we even at war with Al T’Har? Can you tell me that? Do you think anybody on this goddamned station knows why?

    It’s not about Congress or the President or the Corporation, Jack. It’s for Janice back home, and my niece Flo, and my mother. A country is people, not just a government. I wouldn’t be so stupid as to lay down my life for the President. But I would die in an instant to keep my family safe from savages like the Al T’Harans.

    You’re so bloody noble. Would we even have to protect your family from Al T’Har if it wasn’t for the aggression of this State?

    Pax Imperia lasted two centuries before last month; I don’t think our government has a history of involving itself in frivolous wars—

    Our government. Our government and the Corporation. Maybe that’s what you should be protecting your family from.

    Oh, no, Jack. Our government might not be perfect, and it’s never been efficient, and maybe it’s even under the Corporation’s thumb, but the fundamental institutions of freedom and security are still intact. It’s a great leap from incompetence to malevolence.

    Jack just shakes his head.

    So you’re not coming with me?

    I don’t think you should go.

    I’ve made up my mind, Robert. But I want you to come with me.
    (He forces a smile)
    For backup.

    (Struggling with an answer)
    I can’t. Jack. I’m sorry. I just can’t.

    Jack doesn’t know how to respond. He rubs his nose with his fingers quickly, twice, looks away from Johnson, shakes his head, then looks back.

    Then this is it, then. Twelve years of friendship means this much to you.

    That’s not fair, Jack.

    No it’s not. It’s really not.

    Davies stands.

    I’d better get ready and go find Dawson. I’ll be seeing you.

    Johnson stares silently at his friend.


    The narrow twisting corridor is filled with SOLDIERS running to their hangars. KLAXONS sound. Davies and Dawson jog with them, followed by five of DAWSON’S MEN. Davies carries a sort of backpack which is bursting at the seams.

    I’m glad that you found me when you did, Mr. Davies. It seems you’ll be missing this little scrimmage. I’m afraid we’ll have to depart immediately – I don’t want a single one of my ships engaged in unrighteous slaughter.

    Admiral Copley’s probably not gonna like your fleet leaving him the instant his base is attacked by Al T’Harans.

    I’m afraid it’s more serious than that. I am bound to remain here and, what’s more, Copley knows I have my eye on you. Our departure will effectively be an act of open rebellion. I expect we’ll be fired upon. Here we are!

    Dawson presses his palm to a doorframe and the door slides open; he, Davies, and their escorts steal past and the door shuts behind them.


    A small hangar dominated by a small shuttle, perhaps ten feet high and twenty-five long, of sleek design. The group runs over to the shuttle where the PILOT is waiting for them.

    Come on, let’s go!

    The pilot grabs a heavy bag Dawson has been awkwardly carrying and throws it bodily into the shuttle before Dawson climbs the low ramp. At that instant a UNIFORMED WORKER bursts into the room.

    Hey, where do you think you’re going? You haven’t got clearance to launch!

    Dawson steals a glance back and then rushes on board. The worker strikes a panel beside a nearby computer monitor and shouts into it.

    Security, here, now!

    The last of Dawson’s men get onto the shuttle. The ramp pulls up behind them.


    The pilot swings into his seat beside the COPILOT in the cramped cockpit, surrounded by lights and levers and displays. Dawson is immediately at his shoulder.

    Surely they’ve locked the gate. Can you get us out of here?

    We’ve hacked the security system. Should be able to break through.

    Then do it.

    The pilot looks to his copilot, who nods. She immediately begins punching something into her computer. Dawson retires to the cabin.


    Dawson enters the sparse cabin, which has several seats along each wall and a couple of small tables next on each side with computer displays resting upon them. Dawson takes a seat next to Davies, who is already seated with the other men.

    You’d better hold on tight. This might get a little exciting.

    So, I'll ask once again: whaddya think? If you took the time to read this, imagine the time it took to write it. Surely you can leave me a little comment, now, can't you?

    -The Host

    12/1/2002 3:14:57 PM

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