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    Michael Lanteri, special effects coordinator on all three JP films, directed the 1999 film "Komodo". (From: Oviraptor)
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    By The Host

    Here you go, the third installment. This chapter finishes the initial set-up and gets the story rolling. It;s shorter than the last two installments, representing only about five minutes of screen time and bringing us to the twenty-two minute mark. The next installment should be ready tonight or tomorrow.

                    INT. USS MAJESTY - BRIDGE - DIM

    CLOSE-UP on a black screen marked with a series of concentric
    green circles. Suddenly a red dot begins to flash,
    accompanies by an insistent BEEPING sound.

    PULL BACK to reveal an ENSIGN sitting at the display and a
    well-manicured OFFICER standing over him. They are in the
    dark bridge of the massive United Star Systems Ship Majesty,
    the bulk of which stretches out below the high windows that
    surround the busy room.

    What is that? Where?

    Freighter. Al T'Haran. It's just
    past Sector 1101.08C.

    Past it?

    Yes sir.

    Who's closest?

    We are, sir.

    The officer nods and walks away, approaching the captain's


    The chair turns. In it sits a paunchy man in his mid
    thirties, who looks vaguely familiar: his name is COPLEY, and
    he is at least thirty years younger than he was when we last
    saw him.

    Captain Copley, sir, we're
    receiving a distress signal from an
    Al T'Haran freighter. We're the
    nearest ship with rescue capability
    but it's wondered beyond the
    Frontiers, so it's up to you
    whether we extend aid or not.

    Goddamn Al T'Har. But I won't see
    fellow travellers die when we can
    do something to help.
    Communications, send a message to
    United Command requesting
    permission to divert our course.
    Nav, be ready to move the minute
    the order comes through. And
    somebody get me Commander Dawson!

    The crew springs into action.



    It is a dismal afternoon. The great city stands as ever,
    enveloping and humbling the specks of people that live there
    or visit. This is an old part of the city, its exquisite
    towers eroding with the passage of time and crawling with
    shuttles like maggots on great rotting corpses. Past one such
    building is a wide field of marble and grass absolutely
    packed with MILLIONS OF PEOPLE; in its center is a single
    square stone building with a small dome on top.


    The people surround this scowling edifice, quietly reverent,
    eyes collectively averted, as though observing some ancient
    ritual of sacrifice and appeasement. We CRANE DOWN to the
    other side of the stone Masoleum, dominated by a pair of
    heavy wooden doors, at least twenty feet high and five feet
    wide each, now open to the smothering darkness inside.
    Presently a half dozen MEN IN DARK SUITS, including Davies
    and Joggins, emerge from the shadows and descend the steps to
    a grassy lawn below.
    They turn to regard the building as TWO GUARDS slowly, and
    with some effort, heave the great doors shut.

    The two stand side-by-side, quietly watching. After a long
    moment Davies speaks out of the corner of his mouth.

    The Senate will have to be called
    to appoint a new President.

    (Looking straight ahead)
    You mean 'Emperor'.

    Turn. Try to look somber.

    I feel somber.

    They turn together to regard the crowd, posing for media
    images. They make great displays of resolve and friendship,
    shaking hands one moment, putting arms around each other's
    shoulders the next, looking forward to a grim future. They
    are far enough away, though, that their words cannot be

    Exler, look, I want to tell you
    something, and please hear me out
    before you respond, okay? Look, I
    know you want this, and I know I
    said I didn't. That was true at the
    time, it was, and I think you'd be
    a great President, you really
    would, but I want this now, and I
    wouldn't be going after it if I
    didn't think I was qualified. Best
    I know you. I do. I know what you
    think of me; you think I'm
    incompetent. You think I have my
    own interests in mind and not the
    state's. That's not true. I mean,
    of course, a little bit. Honestly,
    who wouldn't want to be Emperor? I
    know the power attracts you, too. I
    can tell. But don't get me wrong,
    that's not to say you're just in it
    for the power. Nobody questions
    your integrity.
    And you've known Dawson longer, and
    worked harder, and have more
    experience, and you almost
    certainly are smarter than me and,
    I guess, more qualified. And I can
    even understand if you have a
    certain sense of entitlement. But
    trust me, you wouldn't be a better
    President. It takes a certain kind
    of man, a kind of man willing to do
    things other men won't. That's the
    main thing I've learned from
    watching Dawson.
    Look, I'm sorry, but let's be
    honest here. You'd make a great
    President, but I've got the votes.
    I've got at least 214 Senators
    backing me -- all the biggest
    factions. There are 400 Senators,
    so you do the math. I know you want
    this and even think you deserve it,
    but you're only going to embarrass
    yourself, Exler. You might
    otherwise still have a strong
    political future; you have a chance
    to stay on as Consul and even
    become Emperor someday when I step
    down. But not if you oppose me. Of
    course I don't want you to; it
    makes things messy when what we
    need right not is unity and
    stability, not opposition and
    division. And I'd like to work with
    you. I regret we were never really
    friends. You back me and I'll make
    sure you're well-rewarded, and you
    might even be Emperor someday. I'm
    gonna leave it up to you, of
    course. This isn't a threat. I'm
    just being honest and, again, I'm
    truly sorry.

    The two men have started walking together, flanked at a
    distance by GUARDS and OFFICIALS, and still some distance
    from the crowd. Joggins considers Davies's suggestion for a
    long moment. Then:

    It's time, Jack, to give the USS
    back to the people--

    Jesus, we've been through this--

    --And if you think that wasn't
    Dawson's plan you're wrong or
    you're lying.

    It was never his plan. He gave the
    throne to me to ensure the
    stability of the state.

    Then you're a liar, Jack, but you
    aren't a fool. You have a
    particular genius for political
    skulduggery. But your talents do
    not dispose themselves to
    leadership or even to management.
    You have no great ability to wield
    power, only the ability and the
    ruthlessness to attain it. You
    can't imagine why a man like me
    would want power, why I'd want to
    make others' lives better and not
    my own. You don't understand that
    for some people the assumption of
    power is a sacrifice, not a
    benediction. That you would
    question my motives is an insult;
    that you would try to buy me, an
    abomination. And if you honestly
    believe that Dawson intended to
    forge an empire to stand the test
    of time, then you did not know him
    as well as you think.

    Dawson was my father.

    Your father died long before Dawson
    did. Both would have seen the
    Republic restored.

    Dawson understood that the people
    don't want freedom, they want
    order, and safety from the
    barbarians living past our borders
    when they strike out against our
    honour and wealth. The Republic
    failed to provide either, and when
    it tried it was purchased wholesale
    by the Corporation and became a
    force for marketing, not stability.
    The Republic was broken before you
    or I or even Dawson was born. The
    Republic failed. Now Dawson has
    placed his trust in me to see
    Imperial glory and power secured.

    Joggins halts and turns toward Davies, looking him in the

    You're wrong, and I'll fight you.

    I know.

    Joggins walks on ahead. Davies, after a moment, follows.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. Please don't forget to comment!

    The Host


    8/21/2004 5:38:28 PM
    (Updated: 8/22/2004 1:29:17 AM)

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