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    Secret Island,Chapter 1
    By The_Boulder36

    Secret of The Island---Chapter 1--Underwater killer

    "Goodnight,Mate." "Night."It was A stormy-rainy night,off the east
    coast of Austrailia,Matthew Andrews an American fisherman was on a huge fishing trip with his cousin,from Australia,William Andrews.
    They had been planning this trip for two years.It was about ten P.M. andthey had decided to give it a break from fishing,they had been
    fishing ever since the morning and have caught nothing.William went to sleep but Matthew was still up on the Helm looking at the radar,there was crap on the
    Matt and Will had conected a wire to a sharp Rock outside the boat to keep it from moving.They were about fourhundred yards off the coast of an Island Matt had checked the Map eariler and he couldnt find this island anywere on it,the Island looked totally uninhabited.
    All that Matt could see was the tops of the thirty foot trees and the mountain tops,he looked away from them down a little and saw something huge run under the trees.....it had a long tail,thats all that he saw.This Horryfing deep roar filled the air it was so loud that Matthew had covered his ears and he could still hear it,
    "What the heck is going on out here?!"Matt turned around and saw Will there wearing his pajamas and covering his ears with his hands,Just as sudden as the noise had started it stopped there was silence,so silent that you could break it very easily even by tapping your finger on the wall."What in gods name was that Matt?!"
    "I Don't know Will.....I don't know."
    Will being the crybabby that he is said"Well,it woke me up and I didn't like it!"
    "Just go to sleep."
    "Goodnight." Matt turned and watched back where he saw that tail..there was silence in the trees,nothing was there.But just at that moment he felt a loud thump against the boat.

    Matt quickly looked out the window of the bow and saw........nothing...not a single animal
    of anytype.It must of been a wave Matt thought to himself.He decided to call it
    a night and started walking toward the back of the boat,the boat shook once more and
    knocked Matt over onto the floor.He quickly looked out the window and saw A fin
    fly past the window."What the hell?"Matt was talking to himself,he does it every so often
    when he was frightened,"That couldn't of been a fish!"Matt stared dazingly out the
    window,not able to see that good,the rain had grown into a downpour,maybe even a tropical storm.
    Matt felt something hit the boat again,this time from under.Matt lost his footing and
    fell over,Still looking out the window.He saw it again.....but not a fin a whole neck and a head!
    It had rows of teeth and a very odd shaped body,it was extrodenary.
    While Matt was staring at the creature,another one came up frightening Matt,"This is
    extrodenary!" Matt reached for his camerea on the shelf behind him,while he reached for it he heard glass shatter
    He turned around and saw that head inside the boat,he quickly snapped A picture of it,but then,looked in
    terror as the second one came up right next to him,they sent out a soft growl and struck forward with
    extrememe speed and accuracy,Matt didn't move,the head was aiming right at him.Matt screamed out in shear horror
    as his body was grabbed into the jaws of the animal,blood spilled out everywere
    Matt was still screaming desperatly for help"Will!! Help me Please!" Will came running in
    holding a 9mm handgun and fired at the head hitting it twice in the head,not even fasing it.
    The animal dragged Matt out into the sea as Will kept firing until he was out of ammo
    "Die you son of....!" Before Will could finish his sentance anohter creature came from the side window of the boat
    and clamped his jaws around Will's arm,Breaking it,then dragging Will out into the ocean,into his watery grave........

    1/29/02 10:05:40 PM

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
    "Dan's JP3 Page" is in no way affiliated with Universal Studios.

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