The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    In the boardroom scene in TLW (cut from the theatrical version, though on the DVD's), Ludlow mistakingly calls Ray Arnold "John". (From: 'Malcolm')
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    The War Begins Chapter2
    By T-rex 23

    The Begins
    Chapter 2

    The base was set up and a spy plane was sent to find the enemy base......later a destress call came from the spy plane and it said, "This base is heavily prepared for air assult....[KABOOOOOOM].....we've been hit were going down,no,no I don't wannna ddddiiiieeee.........god please don'" The transmission ended there and the plane crashed.

    Bored Room at Area 51

    There are army generals sitting as a head general is saying, "Earlier today I got word that a spy plane went down and we don't know if the pilots are dead or alive, but I hope they are found alive, anyway we've contacted the famialy so they know, here is the last message they sent out" The general played the message and as the other generals listened they looked pale and worried, when it was done the message was done the general said, " As we speak there is a scout team looking for the piolts, The plane went down in flat land so the base it went down near is friendly and they are sending paratroopers to find them....but there is an enemy base near by so they might find them first....dismessed"

    Meanwhile back at the base there getting ready to send out an air assult to take out ground to air missle sites so they will be able to send spy planes over the enemy base safely.....The Time is 3:00pm and the base has built a ATOM bomb missle silo and a technology center, three more ore refineries and two ore trucks with each refinery. Later the planes are flying overt the enemy base droping bombs....the enemy base now is in chaos and no way to be protected from air attacks so the American base has the upper hand.

    5/6/2002 5:22:55 PM

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