Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    The cut Ingen boardroom scene in TLW (available on the DVD's) was actually part of the second TLW theatrical trailer. (From: 'Spinorex')
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    The War Begins
    By T-rex 23

    The War Is Starting

    It was a warm summer day everything was quiet.....then an American MVC [Mobile Vehicle Construction yard] pulled into the open field along with five rifle infantry,two tanks, and four jeeps. the MVC turned into a construction yard and built an ore refinery, small power plant, baracks and war factory. It took about five hours to set up, but when they set up they produced two ore trucks, six tanks, and 10 men five rifle men, five rocket soldiers.

    The place where the base was set up was rich in minerals and the base could use them to get money. Then after the ore trucks got four loads of ore the base ordered six advanced power plants to so more buildings could be built and productions would increase. After the power plants were built a radar dome was built so the base could find the enemy base and track their movement, Then nine air fields were built to make air assults on the Afgani base. After the air fields were built they orded Mig attack planes because they could hold more missles. Then Telsa coils were placed all over the base. A telsa coil is a like a big christmas tree, except it sends out artificial lightning volts and it kills enemy soldiers in one zap.

    5/6/2002 12:42:19 PM

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