Jurassic Park Trilogy Blu-Ray Ultimate Gift Set
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    When Dennis Nedry falls down the muddly slope, listen carefully: A slide-whistle sound is played, giving his fall a subliminally cartoony quality. (From 'Dilophosaurus')
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    The War Beginns chapter3
    By T-rex 23

    The War Begins

    Afgani Base

    The soldiers at the Afgani base are ready to assult the American base, A soldier comes to a hill and waits for his other men and artilery, meanwhile the American soldiers are on gaurd. I am in the bases command post with my dad because he is the general of the base. I am watching the horison and don't see the enemy's units, then I heard gun fire and it was an enemy assult on the base. While I was watching the fight this guy was running in the base yelling, "I WILL BAN YOU." I am imediately evacuated from the base and taken back to area 51. The base was attacked and they lost there war factory but it was rebuilt.

    American Base

    The sun is setting and the American base had sent in a spy to the Afgani base. When the spy returned he had managed to steal some plans to get new vehicle units and new men. The base has the plans to build a mamoth tank and a doubled barrel war tank. As for men they could make a flame thrower unit, a super soldier caled Tonya Adams she is a civilian that can sneak into bases and dystroy them, a grenader infantry that had only grenades. The American base has sent out an atom bomb twords the base along with an air strike and there sending in Tonya to do some damage.

    Afgani Base

    {KABOOM,KABOOM,KABOOM} The base is being dystroyed building being blown up all over, Tonya is blowing up buildings and killing soldiers. The enemy soldiers,general,tanks are going to a Shinook choper but only the general of the enemy base makes it out. The only buildings left is a construction yard,radar dome,one airfiel,helipad,war factory, and a tech center. The air strike is called back and Tonya is told not to blow up anything else. A Shinook is flown in with enginers to capture the few remaining buildings, Later the base belongs to America and there starting to win.

    5/7/2002 4:51:03 PM

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
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    Oh, and one more thing: All your base are belong to us.