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By Michael Crichton
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    Nublar Project
    By T-rex 23

    Nublar Project

    Isla Nublar

    The sun was setting over the palm trees, everything was quiet, not a soul moved......Then a choper landed on the beach not knowing were the where at. " Ha Rick...where are we.....I've never seen this island before." Rick said, "Uh.....John I don't know ether where low on fuel and we've lost the radio. The first pilot went to the back of the choper and said "Mr.Johnson we have landed here were having some problems so why don't you and your wife go explore." The Johnson famialy got out and started to explore the island. The choper was near an open field and the field was near a deep forest. Then the Johnsons herd a roar then they herd stomping, the stomping and roars quit.

    Isla Nublar

    "Ha dad when are we going to be there....cause me and Anthony are board and well Anthony is getting air sick" I said. My dad replied, "Well will be there soon, and I got to set a few rules don't get lost, if ya'll hear a roar come back to base, if you see a dinosaur don't make it mad, if its a raptor and you dont have your guns run if you do shoot it in the eye. If its a T-rex stand still and if it spots you get in the jeep and out run it, under stood boys." We said, "Yes sur". I looked at my watch and it was 1:30pm so I got in my duffel bag and checked my video camra, camra and that stuff. Then I got in my pack and checked my guns, I had a C.A.R.B 15 and two 45 hand guns. I checked my clips and emergency stuff.

    It was 2:30pm, I looked out the window and I saw the island, then another choper caught my eye, I looked and my dad interupted me and said, "Well here we are, Brandon since your out for summer break you're gonna work so don't say you gotta go to school." My dad patted me on the head. When we landed I grabed my stuff and ran on to the beach. Then a ship came up and released an M.C.V {Mobile Construction Uehicle}. My dad was talking to one of the formens, I got out my guns and locked and loaded them, then I called Anthony over and said "Here turn it on when I say. Action!" The camra started to film "We are on Isla Nublar, this is going to be a video of the rebuilding of Jurassic Park, we are going to see many different creatures." I motioned for Anthony to turn off the camra. Then the formen that my dad was talking to came to us and said "Grab a hamer and hard hat boys and start helping those men set up a base. We started to set up the base and a couple of hours passed and we were finialy let out to explore.

    5/14/2002 5:38:27 PM

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