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    Jurassic Park: Primal Prey, Prologue and Chapter 1
    By Stryderman

    Primal Prey
    Jurassic Park

    Part 1: Mainland

    Near Isla Nublar, 120 miles west of Costa Rica 1993

    Enrico Rodriguez looked into the distant blue horizon. As the sea spray cleansed his face, he immersed himself in what was undoubtedly the most exhilarating and liberating feeling he had encountered in a long while.
    Enrico was a construction worker. He worked on an island, off the coast of South America. He was native to that part of the country, and knew how to live in the jungle, and how to avoid predators in the forests.
    At the moment he was standing on the deck of a ship. His ship. He was vacationing in Costa Rica, and had decided to take his family out on a small trip to the nearest island. His long white ship streaked through the ocean, cutting a straight line towards what was now appearing to be a massive, green island.
    He looked up as a helicopter soared overhead in the opposite direction, towards the coast of South America. Its rotors glistening in the light of the setting sun, it passed majestically over the boat. Enrico could make out tiny figures in the helicopter’s window.
    As the sleek craft drew level with the jetty of the island’s docks, Enrico cut the power to the engines, and the boat chugged to a gentle stop. Enrico went below deck and retrieved some refreshments for his family. They would spend the night moored to the jetty, and hopefully they would spend the next day on the island, alone.
    Enrico sat next to his wife and cast out his fishing line. Enrico’s two sons drank and ate, bickering pointlessly among themselves. Occasionally, Enrico or his wife would interrupt to stem the endless flow of complaints, insults and whining. But they were much too relaxed to really give a hoot.
    Once the children had calmed down, and the sun was below the horizon, Enrico started grilling the fish he had caught. The atmosphere was so relaxed, and Enrico basked in the warm tropical air. As the family ate dinner, they swapped happy experiences, but mostly ate. After Enrico had put in a particularly witty joke, the family laughed. The laughter was cut short in an instant.
    Their attention was brought to the noise. It was the roar of an animal, and it sounded as if it was large. It was coming from the island to the boat’s right. It was a deep throaty scream of primal fury, which made Enrico shiver ever so slightly, despite the warmth of the humid air. Enrico and his entire family sat shocked for a second. Then, gradually, they got over their intense shock and horror, vaguely dismissing it as an animal of some sort, whose voice was perhaps magnified by the canyons and valleys dotted across the island. Slowly, talk retuned, but the air remained thick with tension.
    After dinner, the event was forgotten. Excited talk reached Enrico’s ears as he washed the dishes in the kitchen. One of Enrico’s children approached him, holding out a can of some description.
    “Father,” said the boy, “What’s this? It came from the water.”
    Enrico inspected the shaving can. “I don’t know, son,” admitted Enrico. The can was caked in mud, and the label was peeled, but the nozzle on the top of the can was intact. He pressed it. White cream came out. The can sputtered and immediately stopped spurting out the foamy substance. Enrico smelled it. It was definitely Gillette shaving cream.
    He tried to get more out of the can, but it was empty. He frowned. It was freezing cold, and still felt heavy despite the fact that it was apparently empty. Enrico snorted. Very odd shaving can. He found, after a bit of investigating, that the can had a screw-out bottom. The contents were covered in mud but extremely cold. Enrico looked in amazement. “Why don’t you put it in the freezer, son. I don’t like the looks of it.”

    Enrico and his family had landed on the island. They had decided to find a good place to have a nice picnic. They looked around a bit, and decided to set up camp on the inside of a ridge, on a gentle rise. Ridges were to be found all along the island’s edge, making it difficult to get into the interior of the island. The sun beamed merrily down upon the quartet as they talked and laughed their way through the trees and rocks towards the spot they had decided on.
    Enrico and his family sat down on the hill, getting out their picnic things. Everyone was laughing and joking, setting up the picnic, and generally enjoying the rare family outing. Enrico joined in the fun, eating hungrily.
    Enrico felt a slight tremor coursing through the ground. The others were still talking loudly. Enrico put down his drumstick and scanned their surroundings; the ridge they had clambered over was standing ominously over them; a forest to their right harboured squawking birds; ahead of them, a valley stretched out.
    The sun was up on high, sending rays directly down. Enrico shivered as he felt the tremor again. He then dismissed it, and joined in with his wife and two children as they continued their merry-making.
    Over the next ten minutes, Enrico felt the tremors a few times, but didn’t pay any heed, as he was having too much fun to notice. Then, it occurred again. Enrico felt the ground shake, and saw the wine in his glass vibrate, causing several concentric rings.
    This time his whole family noticed. They all sat facing the forest, where the sound and vibration had come from. There was a strange snuffling sound coming from the forest. Enrico felt himself break out in a sweat. The snuffling sounded somehow hostile and territorial. Abruptly, it stopped. There was a painful silence afterwards.
    “Probably just a forest animal,” offered Enrico. The others agreed, and they continued eating and drinking. But the talking had stopped.
    Then it happened. The forest exploded with movement. Something huge burst out of the trees, and moved with surprising speed to the picnicking family. The ground was shaking violently as Enrico stood up, getting his family to do the same. He looked behind him and saw a huge set of jaws slam close, with a great snapping sound, just behind him. The jaws bellowed, the same sound Enrico had heard before he had landed on the island. He ran faster.
    He and his family reached the ridge, and began the steep ascent up its green side. They heard the sound of their follower right behind, breathing harshly upon their backs. Enrico shouted in terror. He felt drips of saliva on his back. Thankfully, he felt the dreadful presence slowly die away, and then with a holler, the creature behind the Rodriguezes hit the ground. There was a huge crash and the ground shook, and Enrico fell to the ground.
    He chanced a look behind him as he got back up. A massive mountain of grey flesh was lying on the ridge behind him. As he watched, the animal pulled two massive pillar-like legs under itself, and slowly rose. Then Enrico turned back to his waiting family and ran for the docks.

    Could I have a comment or two?
    By the way, I know it said two chapters in the blurb, but I changed my mind half way. Therefore thus hence, chapter 1 will be appearing ... later!

    12/14/2003 12:11:42 AM
    (Updated: 12/14/2003 12:22:22 AM)

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