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    The big gun used to blow up the plane in JP3 is a BAR .50 caliber BMG. The round used is a .50 cal explosive/incendiary tipped round, which go for about $1,500 to $3,000 each. (From: NuclearRaptor)
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    Interveiw With the Auther from the upcoming fan-fic JPX pt 2
    By Spinogypeticus

    R.J:We now know all the charecters in JPX, but wich one is most like you? Wich one is your favorite?

    Spinogypeticus: Alex Rosewater is the answer to both questions, you'll be interviewuing him also. were alike in many way, from hobbies (eating,sleeping watching TV having fun and eating) to favorite colors (Blue Gold).

    R.J: Now what's the status on JPX?

    Spinogypeticus: Um, well now I'm on Chapter 13 but I'donno how many chapters there will be I'll Just keep writing 'till I'm fresh out of ideas.

    R.J:Earlier you said there will be a Pt 2 and 3 for JPX, what are they about and what will thay be called?

    Spinogypeticus: The names are classified but I'll tell you a little bit about them, in the next part to JPX
    Alex will find a new species wich seems to be an evolved version of another dinosaur (guess wich one). After that one InGen will be taken over by Biosyn and hell will break loose in a famous city in America. If you want the names of the stories I'll have a list of stories I will write the day before JPX comes out.

    R.J: When will we be expecting these stories?

    Spinogypeticus: I donno because I don't have nothing to sart writing them in but hopefully next year or the yuear after. I also an thinking about another story after that called "InGen's Rebirth" when InGen gains control over Biosyn. It'll have less action but it will be interesting.

    R.J: Why won't you give the names of the story?

    Spinogypeticus: There are copiers out there.

    R.J: How do you feel if someone copies you?

    Spinogypeticus: I would take it as a complament but don't do it.

    R.J: Uh okay. What is your favorite scene in JPX?

    Spinogypeticus: When Alex showes Dr. Alan Grant a raptor nest he found.

    R.J: Lets take a look at that scene.

    ...Alex took them to the last room, there were eggs everywhere."Raptor eggs," Alan gasped, "You found raptor eggs?" Everyone was speechless, Melissa was at lost for words.
    "Yes," said Alex "I stumbled upon them when I found out there was another door."
    "Raptor eggs..." said Alan "...velociraptor eggs."
    Alex looked up at the picture and said, "Alan look,"
    He pointed to the picture, Alan looked up. A purring sound was herd. A shadow ( the same shape as the painting) appered on the wall. It was a velociraptor, coming to-
    "le-let-us-let's um,uh go," said Alex
    They ran back outside, the raptor wasn't far behind them. But everytime they looked back all they saw was it's shadow. They ran out of the facility and into the foliage. So did the raptor...

    R.J: Lets take a look at this trailor, when we come back we'll interview Alex...

    Alan Grant(voice over): Raptor found raptor eggs.

    Universal Pictures logo flashes across the screen

    Cuts to a boat going towards an island

    Dr.Thorne(voice over): Theres another island with dinosaurs on them?

    The screen is black an eerie roar is heard
    Alex(voice over):What was that?

    Melissa:Tell me I foumd something.

    Cuts to a Spinosaur running after Alex

    Announcer:This summer...

    Cuts to a Deltadromeus running after a group twards foliage.

    Cuts to Thomas with a pistol in this hand

    Announcer: Nature...

    Cuts to a Ptyranodon droping Alex into a thick cloud of fog

    Cuts to Alex fighting a man.

    Announcer:And Man...

    Cuts to a velociraptor running through foliage

    Cuts to a dodge durango crashinging into trees and bushes.

    Announcer:Go one on one...

    Three raptors are stalking Alex

    Announcer:This July...

    The screen is black big thomping sounds could be herd...

    Announcer:Jurassic Park goes to a new leval...

    Cuts to Alan and Alex running from a T-rex...the screen fades

    Cuts to a T-rex picking up Alex above the foliage

    Announcer:Jurassic Park X

    Mysterious Voice(voice over): Have you ever herd of Site X?


    R.J:Well your the main attraction in JPX right?

    Alex: Yeah...(thinking for a while)I think so.

    R.J:What was the best part of doing Jurassic Park X?

    Alex: Defanatly working with Spinogypeticus! Defanatly!

    R.J: What was the most difficult thing to do in JPX?

    Alex: I did most of my stunts but the hardest thing was letting the Ptyranodon drop me, that was scary for me.

    R.J:We don't have much time but what was your favorite part of JPX?

    Alex: The whole thing it was fun.

    R.J: Check out Jurassic Park X July 02.

    5/4/2002 5:32:43 PM
    (Updated: 5/5/2002 7:24:39 PM)
    (Updated: 5/5/2002 7:27:35 PM)

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