Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    An early German copy of the JP novel had the title translated to "Dino Park" -- in subsequent versions, however, the English "Jurassic Park" was used. (From: jphp)
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    Max Hunter-Slayer Chapter 2
    By Spinoboy11

    (EXT:U.S. Agency Station in San Diego)

    Adrian looked at the chief in a questionable way. "Why don't we just bomb the motherf***ers? Hell, at least we won't get killed," he said. "Absolutely not," replied the chief, who was feeling that something was wrong.

    Max looked at the chief, his head was faceing down. "What's wrong," asked Max. "I've got a bad feeling about this," immediately replied the chief. Lauren walked quickly out of the room. Max, Adrian, and Tom turned around and saw her go to her desk. She got a kleenex beside her computer and wiped away tears.

    "What's wrong with her," asked Tom. "She's disapointed," said the chief. "Why," asked Max. The chief frowned, then he spilled the beans. "Her family was killed in a plane crash in the middle of the Atlantic. Nobody on board survived," said the chief. "Damn, I hate to hear that," said Max.

    Tom and Adrian left the office and headed downstairs to run some errands. Max was about the walk out when the chief shouted at him. "Hunter, here," said the chief. He tossed him some keys. "Go tell everyone that we're heading for the Marshall Islands tomorrow," ordered the chief. Max asked him, "What do I do with these?" He jiggled the keys. "For the helicopter, of course," said the chief.

    "All right. Who do I give them to," asked Max. The chief looked up from his paperwork. "You are, of course," said the chief. "O...K...," whispered Max. He turned around and headed for his desk. Max saw Lauren looking on the F.B.I. files on her computer. Max smiled at her.

    (EXT:NEXT DAY-HELICOPTER PAD on top of the U.S. Agency Station)

    Max, Lauren, Tom, Adrian, and other fellow members Chuck, Miles, and Carlos were on top of the U.S. Agency building on the Helicopter Pad. "Damn, dog, I'm tired of waiting," said Carlos. He was about 5'11, average sized-man, but he had something more than anyone else on that pad, a very high IQ. "For real, man," replied Miles. He was African-American, 6'6, and 210 lbs. The other member, Chuck, always kept to himself. He barely talks, unless the chief does. He's about the size of Miles, except a little bit shorter. "All right, let's go."

    Max had the keys to the helicopter, so they got to work. They loaded their supplies into the back compartment in the helicopter. Max tossed the keys to Miles, who was the transportation expert of the group. Everyone got inside the chopper. They buckled up and put their communications headphones on.

    (P.O.D.'s "Alive" starts playing)

    The plane slowly lifted into the air. They were 10 stories in the atmosphere. They then headed west for the Marshall Islands.

    (Scene of the plane flying over the Pacific Ocean. Dolphins and whales could be seen below. A cruise ship was sailing toward the opposite direction. Lauren and Max were looking at each other from time to time. She didn't seem to care. The helicopter stopped at an army base in Hawaii and filled up on fuel. The chopper finally reached the Marshall Islands 4 hours later. The islands were dark green from above. Birds of all sorts were flying about.

    (P.O.D.'s "Alive" ends)

    "We're here," shouted Miles. He was laughing in the cockpit. Carlos was beside Miles, helping to fly to helicopter. The chopper started to land in their direct spot:their transportation unit below. They could already see the Navy below. There was two other choppers, a tank, and a jeep.

    Max sighed and waited for the helicopter to land.

    4/3/2002 6:26:58 PM

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