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By Michael Crichton
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    JP finished principle photography in 70 days, 12 days ahead of schedule. Considering Hurricane Ikiki swept through Kauai during the shoot and all but destroyed the sets, that's not too bad. (From: Dan J.)
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    Max Hunter-Slayer:Chapter 1
    By Spinoboy11


    You thought it was over...but you were wrong...

    (shots of zombies attacking three humans)

    Milla Jovovich
    Freddie Prinze Jr.
    Robert Patrick
    Natalie Portman
    Christina Ricci
    Jeff Goldblum

    Directed by Vito Hardy


    Think back last week, last month, or even last year...you couldn't do many things you can do now. You can face your fears...you can face your fantasies...but can you face the action???!!!

    Max Hunter is a rookie in the United States Agency. He is looking forward to become general someday. During a war with Russia, Max and his team are sent to an island in the middle of the Pacific.

    After a long helicopter ride, they arrive to their "transportation center" and begin their long journey. They marched for nearly three hours until they reached the Russians' base camp. None of the Russians were there though...there were only stains of blood in the grass.

    Now Max and what's left of his team must
    head back to their transportation unit some 10 miles away...but can they reach there...alive?

    Get ready for...

    (EXT:Battle in Southern California in a future Los Angeles battleground)

    A dark battle was being fought downtown Los Angeles, around the Hollywood area.

    Russia, formerly known has the Soviet Union, wanted to get Alaska back from the United States. The new president of Russia was greedy and wanted all the area and land he could get.

    The U.S. refused to release their beloved state to the Soviets, so in response to that, they declared war on the Russians.

    The Russians launched an attack on Hollywood a week later. They destroyed much of the area, killing many people, including James Cameron, Tom Arnold, and Ron Howard. Some escaped though, like Arnold Schwarzennegger, Cameron Diaz, and Mike Myers.


    U.S. fought off the Russians two days later. They fought many times and it all came down to one battle, which the Russians needed win. The fight would take place in the Marshall Islands, 200+ miles away from Hawaii.

    This is what happened after the slaughter...

    (EXT:U.S. Agency Headquarters 40 miles away from L.A. in San Diego)

    The room was quiet for a moment of silence 8:45 a.m. on a sunny day that was once dark. L.A. has been attacked by Russia in a terrible but foolish attack.

    Max Hunter, a rookie in the U.S. Agency, just arrived last week for his first day on the job. He nearly escaped death when he was just outside where the Russians attacked. He saw everything that happened that day during the Russians' attack.

    He is vowing to do his duty and to do his best fighting against the Russians. After the moment of silence, Max headed for his new desk near the corner of the giant room, which was the size of four average sized living rooms put together.
    Max sat right beside his new partner, Tom D. Riley, so he could switch files on terrorist attacks, criminal justice, and war attacks with Tom.

    Tom was a brawn man, about 6'3 and 267 lbs. He talked to Max the first day on the job. While switching files on the known facts and records so far in the Russian-American War. "Max, go find out on your computer about the Russian's history of transporting materials, we need to stop them supporting their men with supplies and weapons."

    "I'm on it," replied Max. "You better be," said Tom. He chuckled has he said that.

    Max and Tom went on with their duty-work. Meanwhile, Lauren Connors, also a rookie, was in the chief's office, trying to launch a nuclear bomb on the island, since nobody lived there.

    The chief disagreed though, telling her that the bomb would kill many animals and plants. She told him, "We need to get the President to launch it, Chief. It's the only way." He couldn't listen to her though, he wanted to go with his theroy, to destroy the Russians' transportation system. Max, Tom, and another agent, Adrian, overheard the argument and butted in.

    "I agree," said Tom. The chief looked up from his paperwork while Lauren turned around slowly with a bullish look on her face. "Anyway, I'm done with going through the files, Chief," said Adrian. "Excellent," the chief replied. "Now we can transport this to the President and we have ourselves a true battle," said the chief.

    "It's just a matter of time," replied Max, who was smiling at Lauren. She gave him a stern look. Max frowned immediately.

    The chief looked at Max and replied, "Yes, you're right. It's just a matter of time..."


    4/1/2002 8:33:26 PM
    (Updated: 4/2/2002 9:36:49 PM)

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