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    The baby t-rex in TLW was an all-in-one animatronic (no wires), with 45 'points of movement'.
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    Aquatica:Jurassic Park-Chapter 2
    By Spinoboy11

    ...and when she got in there she saw an odd-looking animal with a crocodile-shaped head, a big claw on the inside finger on both hands...except on the tip of each claw...was dripping blood.*(Name:Baryonyx, height:8 ft. at the hips, weight:2 tons, length:32 ft., toa:dinosaur)*

    Woman:What the hell...(gasping)

    The baryonyx didn't look fully-grown...it was about half the size of a fully-grown one. The scared woman shot at it. The baryonyx snarled and charged right after her, she opened fire at it, and with one lucky shot in the head, it soon fell to the ground...dead.

    She looked at the baryonyx and she threw up after the stentch of the carcass it was eating. After she walked away, she looked around and saw an incubator-like device with cracked and broken eggs inside of it, so she explored some more...there was a warming device...and little unborn dinosaurs inside some tanks filled with water...then all of a sudden, she felt dizzy and sleepy, so she looked around for a few minuters and finally found a bedroom in the back of the hall.

    So entered, locked the door, and drifted to sleep, trying to forgot about what's happened, and that she's alone...all alone...

    LOS ANGELES, 11:17 A.M.,

    In a house on Burbank Blvd, two friends of the three islanders known has Kat and Bruce...sat down and discussed about them.

    Kat:Where are they? They can't be missing...

    Bruce:Kat, they left about 7 hours ago...

    Kat:They haven't called us!

    Bruce:Yeah, but they probably just got there. That's called using common sense. Heh heh.

    Kat:Why are you always trying to be a smart ass? I'm calling Travis...

    Bruce:Travis, Austin, and Kris are fine. They are probably swimming on the shore right now...let them enjoy yourselves...

    Kat:I'm going to Florida and I'm going to ask to see if the Coast Guard can locate them and try to call them so I can talk to them.

    Bruce:The hell you here! Anyway, use your phone.

    Kat:It's dead.

    Bruce:Fine, it's gonna be boring and it's going to waste our time.

    Kat:What's more important than our friends???


    Kat:Thought so. You go get Maven and Jerika, they can come with us.

    Bruce:Is this all a field trip now?

    Kat:Get packed, we're leaving now, I can use my private plane.

    MIAMI, 6:27 P.M.

    Right before landing, Kat was still talking about if Travis, Kris, and Austin, Bruce was chuckling and laughing of why they flew from L.A. all they way to Miami for no reason, and Jerika and Maven were questioning about why did they come to do nothing...

    Maven:I bet they're fine. They're probably going to sleep right now...

    Jerika:Yeah, he's right. I was just watching the UCLA/Iowa football game,
    and here I have to come on a stupid trip.

    Kat:Bruce and I gave you $500. So here you are...and they still haven't called me even though my phone is now charged.

    Jerika and Maven nodded, and when the plane finally landed, the four grabbed their luggage, got a cab, and went to the coastal center 23 minutes later...when they arrived, they went up to the manager of the center and asked where the captain was...

    Manager:Yeah, follow me.

    They went inside and they saw a humongous hall, with a few seals in pools being fed, a few scientists by incubators, and when the four came into the center of the building, they met with the captain of the coastal center. He was 6'3, middle-aged, a little buff.

    Manager:Capt. Hicks, sir, these people here are looking for a ship called the...

    Kat:Rattler III.

    Capt. Hicks:Yeah, all right. Shaun, find the ship, Rattler III.

    Shaun:Yes, sir. The Rattler III. In what area...the Bahamas?


    Shaun:I can't find their ship...there's an 'x' on this little island over here.

    Kat:That's the island they went to.

    Shaun:You sure?



    Bruce:What does the 'x' mean?

    Shaun:...it means that ship has sunk.

    Kat:Oh my god!!!

    Everybody in the large room looked straight at Kat fulled with both shock and wonder. First they just wanted to find where they were...so they could call them. Now...this mission was now a rescue.

    1/13/02 1:36:35 PM
    (Updated: 1/13/02 1:38:30 PM)

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