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    It's been said that director Steven Spielberg only takes on films where the plot can be described in one sentence.
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    Aquatica:Jurassic Park-Chapter 1
    By Spinoboy11

    Annr:You've been get ready for...

    Spinoboy11 speaking:The cool thing about this story is that after you see the characteristics of the animal described, look for a *(Text)* and I will tell you the name of the animal and its height, weight, length, and if it was a dino, marine reptile, or flying reptile, or which I call toa(type of animal). Enjoy!

    Around a tropical paradise 26 miles away from the South Pacific Islands...two men and a woman went to go spend a vacation and to have peace for a couple of days...instead they found pure terror...the boat was cruising along a little bit away from the island until the man said...

    Man:Stop the engine, this spot is fine.

    Woman:Yeah, this spot is beautiful, look at the island over there.

    Man #2:Damn, I'm going swimming soon! It's too hot out here.

    The two men went into the boat cabin and switched into their bathing suits. Then they heard a scream...

    Woman:(screams)Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!

    The two men desperately ran out on the deck and found the woman in shock...she was pale and frozen in terror. She slowly brought up her finger and point at a dead reptile-like animal. Around it was a giant poll of bright red blood.

    Man:What in the hell is that?!

    Man #2:Oh shit...(gags)

    Flies could be heard buzzing around the carcass. It seemed to have two flippers hanging out of the water. It was about 25 feet long.

    Woman:(shuddering)Let's leave...please...(sobbing)please!

    Man:Go turn on the engine, we'll get away from this area.

    The other man didn't listen instead he rufused...

    Man #2:No...we could make a fortune with this thing!!!

    Man:Go turn on the engine, now!

    Man #2:No...


    Just before the stressed man could finish his statement, there was a bang on the bottom of the ship that sent him and the other two soaring 35 feet into the water. All 3 of them came to the surface...

    Woman:What was that????!!!!!

    Man #2:I don't know!

    The first man was still underwater, and he saw a huge reptile like a crocodile with flippers swimming straight toward them.*(Mosasaurus,weight:1-1 1/2 tons, length:20-30 ft., toa:marine reptile)*

    The man then came to the surface.

    Man:Swim to the island as fast as you can!


    Man:Just swim to the damn island!

    The man was too late, seconds later the large reptile bit into his flesh and just flew into the air and came back down to the ocean with a giant impact. Blood could be seen in the area.

    Man #2:Go, go, go, go, go!

    The woman and man swam for their dear life, and they were nearly 25 feet away from the shore, but the reptile was just about 30 feet behind them...and it's coming right after them at full speed.

    The other man then shouted as he was dragged away from the shore and pulled underwater.

    The woman watched in pure terror as there was yet another pool of bright red blood...and it was just her and the reptile. The reptilian animal gave her a little head start...but then it charged again with all of its might. The woman then ran onto the shore and saw a big compound there...and she desperately ran for it until she entered and saw it was all dusty and gruesome, with blood on the walls and a few skeletons on the floors. She then saw a phone and went to pick it up, but it was dead. After that she picked up a shotgun over on a rack in the corner.

    Then she walked into a back office and found some shotgun shells. She stayed in there for a while and explored through the desks until she heard a clatter. She exited the room and heard some footsteps and a crunching noise...she cocked her shotgun and slowly walked into the room...


    1/13/02 2:58:20 AM
    (Updated: 1/13/02 3:16:44 AM)

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