Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    The inGen building in TLW was built right next to the old Psycho house at Universal Studios -- little did Vince Vaughn and Julianne Moore know that they would soon star in a Psycho remake, directed by Jan de Bont. (From: Billys_Gal)
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    Return to Nublar part 5
    By SpinoSlayer

    As the sun peaked over the hills that morning, most people were asleep and still some people were bagging up remains of last night's attack. Three men were brutally mutalited and a large Metricanthosaurus corpse sat, a bloody hill in the sun.

    'What the hell shall we do now?' asked a scientist named Tommy.

    Ryan replied 'We shall go to the river, it leads right to the Visitor's Center...but it goes straight through the dilophosaur paddock.'

    'Never! Never will I follow you through that river! It's the dilophosaurus breeding ground!' said Mark Phillips.

    'Whoa, whoa, whoa! I was told, by Hammond, that these animals could not breed. All animals here are female, remember?' said Tommy.

    'Hammond also told you no animal could survive a week without liscene, and look at that mound of Metricanthosaurus, dead not two years ago, but killed last night by me!'

    'Oh hell. You didn't kill that beast Mark. I did. I was out here, with an elephant gun and I killed it. You were in your tent!'

    'Liar! How dare you try to backstab me! I was personally sent here be InGen to over see this opperation! I'll be damned if you try to lead us into a dilophosaurus breeding ground in mating season!'

    'This is horse shit!'

    Then Carlos yelled 'Hey! Shut up! All of you listen!'Everybody jumped back, startled by the normaly quiet Carlos. 'Ryan, the river is the quickest way to the compound but it is through the dilophosaur paddock. Mark, what do you mean by breeding?'

    'Well...InGen didn't think it was a bad idea. They put a male dilophosaur in charge of the pack. Without him the females fought over food and jumped into the electric fences and died. The male put the last two females in their place. All they needed was a voice of male influence. But...they began to breed...'

    'There were three dilophosaurs when Grant was here. After the accident they began to breed too quickly, our earlier team destroyed a nest but were overwhelmed and had to evacuate. Now there are about twenty of them. I think we killed one.' replied Ryan.

    'Listen, we have enough problems with dinosaurs so we don't need to be biting each other in the asses!' said carlos, now the voice of reason.

    'When will we get to the river?' interupted Seth Loman.

    'If we stop arguing, about a half an hour past that cliff.'

    'If InGen executives hear about this it will further bankrupt the company. Oh no! My beach house in California!'

    --To be continued (sorry about the short, boring nature of this chapter.)--

    3/12/2003 9:39:58 PM

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