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    Return to Nublar :part I
    By SpinoSlayer

    It is June 15th and the research expedition was only 12 miles off the coast of an unknown island. That island is Isla Nublar. According to stories told at the local bars, two years ago a scientific expirement was sent to a crashing halt. According to stories told, a group of scientists and paleontologists set up a biological preserve housing prehistoric creatures. The park's security was breeched and several people died.

    The boat was filled with InGen workers, many of whom, got off the island the very night storm and dinosaur attacks. The large rented Coasta Rican barge had 10 factory workers, 3 scienitists, 2 expedition leaders, and 7 top-grade hunters.

    As soon as they reached the shore Carlos, a worker and expert pistol marksman, signaled all was clear.

    'What are we here for again?' he desperately asked.

    'To remove any 'evidence' of our little project' remarked Mark Phillips, a balding, short, rather easily upsetable scientist. He was InGen's eyes and ears on the island, what with him being the expedition leader and all.

    'Quiet! all of you!' yelled a raspy- voiced hunter. His name was Ryan Donnings and all knew his authority. He had been on the island when a park worker was slaughtered by a velociaptor.
    Many credit him for being the one who took out the raptor many months before that.

    As a research technitian was checking security sensors around the fences he noticed a peculiar growl in the air. It was not a bird, but rather the most vicious of their ancestors. A sharp pain ran across his back and he screamed in pain. Out of the dark foliage, a six inch long claw emerged, followed by a huge, triangular head. He knew at once it was a velociraptor, loose. His blood ran cold.

    Ryan happened to be near there and saw the shock of his life. A loose velociraptor, the deadliest killer ever, clinging to a ladder, climbing after the bleeding worker. He didn't have his shotgun/rifle with him, all he had was a his pistol--with only two clips, of twelve rounds each.

    He fired off three rounds into the God-awfull creature's back. He fired off another round, but missed--the raptor jumped off the ladder and looked straight at him.

    --Straight into his soul, as his blood ran cold.

    Ignoring his deep-gutted fears he took careful aim at the beast's face. The pistol sparked off six rounds as the beast charged at him. The raptor screamed out in pain, yet, still ran towards him, only sixty feet away.

    He shot off the last two rounds and the beast fell.

    He put in his other clip and shot three rounds into the still-rithing monster. He checked on the park employee, who would miraculusly live, and the gate sensors. As seven nearby workers rushed to their aid, Ryan fired off all remaining bullets into the very heart of the devil.

    'Hey! Look over here!' yelled a worker.'Oh shit! What the hell is that!?'

    As the group stood looking onto the beach they were terrified at what stood before them, jaws agape...

    --To be continued--

    2/17/2003 9:59:27 PM

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