By Michael Crichton
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    The pteranodons featured in TLW and JP are called Pteranodon Sternbergi, discovered in Kansas by world famous paleontologist Charles Sternberg. (From: Ernie)
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    Return to Nublar :Part VII
    By SpinoSlayer

    The whole expedition walked by the river for a half hour until Ryan called for a break. Nearly everyone took off their clothes and jumped in the river. A few of them took turns guarding the river. Then Ryan heard static on his walkie-talkie.

    '...come in please!...They're everywhere!...It's Wu!'

    'This is Ryan! What is it Wu?'

    '...Everywhere! We have locked ourselves below decks...but I don't know how much longer...can last!' said Henry Wu, a former Jurassic Park genetisist who had a small group stationed at the boat.

    'Carlos! Seth! You two go help Wu and the others back at the boat!' Barked Ryan. They took six men with machine guns to assist them.

    -On the way to the boat-

    'We went twice as fast on the boat! We'll never get there in time!' panted Carlos.

    'That was upstream.' replied Seth.

    'Is anyone sure where we are?'asked a Spanish hunter.

    'Shit!' replied a red headed Irish hunter.'Where is the path?'

    'What path?' Carlos pondered.

    'In every paddok there is a small control bunker with maps and shit.'

    'Look! A busted sign! Carlos examined a rotted wooden post with a spinning cirlce on it. 'Looks like a goddamn car hit it!' He read the sign. 'East Dock. Great where is the east dock. Is that where we came from?'

    'No we came from the south reef shore. There was a dock there.' said Seth.

    -Back at the boat-

    Henry Wu and two other men were locked in a small food storage locker. There was a large black glob on the window as well as splattered blood. Outside the window dilophosaurs ate the unfortunate man.

    'So Wu,' asked one man, 'how were the animals able to survive without licsene or whatever. Where are the other species of dinosaurs?'

    'The dilophosaurs had licsene producing genes already in the DNA. We tried to remove them, but it took too much effort. We just figured they would be destroyed by the military or just evolve and do whatever. The T-rex, trike, gallies, and brachs died from DX. DX is a disease we knew about since the early 80's. It affected nearly all known dinosaurs. ' Wu explained. 'I just hope help gets here fast.'

    'We locked the guns outside.' said the other man.

    -To be continued-

    7/26/2003 9:55:24 PM

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