The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Actress Robin Wright was in contention for the Ellie Sattler role, but turned it down to make Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks. (From: 'Raptorboy')
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    Jurassic Park Breakout 6 Dominos Nation
    By Spino144

    The spinosaurus was changing. Evolving right before the eyes of the zookeeper.

    "Like a butterfly."

    It grew wings and horns. And now it could break fire. It killed and ate the zookeeper and started to fly and kill people in the zoo.


    A stegosaurus stumbled across the street.

    "Sorry, stego, only kids can cross the street." said the cross lady.

    The stego killed her and walked acrross the street. And ate plants.

    The T-rex was fighting the new spinosaurus. The spinosaurus won.

    The pteranodons were in NY and Oregon and Enid.


    "Help! us!"

    President Bill Clintan said, "Nuke everything!"

    Nukes were dropped on america but more people died then dinosaurs. It was turning into Dominos Nation.

    Dr. Grant run for his life and saw John Hammond turning into a monkey.

    "No we are devolving and the dinosaurs are evolving. It is Dominos Nation. The dinosaurs are going to rule over the Earth again!"

    The Raptors were running around killing people and they fail but the army shows up but they die because of radiation and the clouds pour acid rain but the dinosaurs don't die because feathers hold back water so they live and eat and eat and eat and they eat somemore for free at the all you can eat bufft.

    A baryoynx came charging into the whie house and stalked Bill Clintan and killed him so Al Gord was no president but the second he came president he died of a heart attack! Heart Attack! Not again!

    Now no one was president and they all died. The dinosaurs ruled over the earth.

    The new spinosaurus became the new king of the dinosaurs. But they cloned man and put them in zoos.

    The end.

    9/7/2002 2:22:41 PM

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