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    The Gallimimus herd scene in JP was filmed at popular tourist spot Kualoa Ranch on Kauai. The large tree branch Grant and the kids hide behind is still there. (From: SeanArcher)
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    Spider-Man: Chronicles
    By Spider Carnage

    Episode I
    “Our First Meeting”
    The Voice of Felicia Hardy/The Black Cat

    My name is Felicia Hardy. I’m twenty years old, with a well fit body, my sex female, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Here is how first I met Spider-Man.
    It was August 9th. It was 5:00am. I’m not a morning person; I never could stand a morning person always waking me from my sleep. It happen that morning, the woman next door always woke me up with the television program she always has on at 6:00am in the morning. I wished I could of marched down to her room and beat the hell out of her. So I got up and walked across the room nude, I always never wear clothes on when I sleep I prefer to sleep naked. The room was a junk hole full of dirty bras and thongs. I walked into the shower. I love to shower, you can call me a shower junkie, and I love to feel the water sprinkling all over my body. That morning it felt great! I must have the softest skin in New York. When I finished taking my morning shower I cleaned my room, I picked up dirty bras, thongs and lingerie of the black carpeted floor. I may be the cleanest person around with beauty but I have a nasty attitude. I have the most furnished room, which is all black, in the apartment. I’m not rich, but I’m a good thief. I have a ‘bad luck’ charm that will allow any unsuspecting victim fall prey to me; the goods that are theirs belong to me now.

    I had a conversation between a friend of mines in the Central Park, it was grassy, a few couples walked along side each other, and leafs blowing in the wind. Mary Jane is her name, a cute red head. We had just came back from the mall where bought some new tops and thongs. It was quiet in the park just the lovely scenery of the grassy plains. Mary had worn a blue blouse and a tight black skirt. She always said that she wanted to be model and star, always audition for a role at local theatres, not the ones that they show movies in. She and I would tell secrets to each other, you know crushes. She has a thing for Peter Parker. She never introduced him to me but I can tell she likes him, practically she loves him, and I would like to meet this guy.

    I’m a cat burglar remember. This is how I have the best room in the best apartment in the best neighborhood I was out in my alter ego. The suit a wore was black, leather and tight, with white fur on at the elbows and knees, a collar around my neck and a black mask that had only surrounded my eyes and my hair dyed white to suit my alter ego, I called my alter ego “The Black Cat.”
    My work had been done. “A couple bag of jewels, tomorrow I’ll cash them in and make the big bucks,” I told myself. I don’t work for anyone some jewels I sell get it right? For the big greens, you know butts- oh, excuse ME, I mean cash, money! Well for the rest of these rare jewels…there mine now! I threw the claw hook to attach to something to swing through the city of New York, holding on a rope to get around the city that never sleeps, as that night progressed. Well, I wanted to sleep so I went on my way home. It was 11:00pm, and I was losing some beauty sleep. I grew tired and sat down on a steamy rooftop. It was wet, it rain earlier that day. I enjoy the rain that poured down that day, it make me wanted to sleep. The roof was made with bricks, as far as I could tell couldn’t see because of the steam. I got up from the ground of the disgusting rooftop, and then a single piece of silk hit the ridge of the roof. I was frightened at first, only at first as a dark figure approached me. I tried my best to make the figure out, red suit, silver webbing covered the red, two huge white eyes, blue at the pants and under arms, red gloves and boots, a black tiny spider on the chest, SPIDER-MAN!

    I backed away a few steps then gave him a smile. He followed and said,” So, you’re the little cat burglar I’ve been looking for.” I nodded and smile, why I had smile? I figure I play with him. He paused and asked,” What’s your name missy?” Being playful I purred like a cat and answered back,” I’m Black Cat.” He began to move forward and said,” Black Cat, may I call you Cat?” He seemed to be joking around. “Cause you’re so fine,” he said. Again I felted he was trying to be funny. “Go suck my pussy,” I said being playful. “Oh, I won’t mine sucking your pussy, pussy cat,” He said. I didn’t want to stick around anymore; I planned to hit the asshole with my claw hook. He approached closer to me. Now, it was the moment to strike, a quick whipped and down he went. He looked unconscious. I felted safe to approach him. He lies motionless. I wanted to know who he is, so I moved over to him slowly. I bent down at him, and begin to pull his mask off. I heard a smash at the door- security. “Damn it,” I said to myself. I looked down at Spider-Man and said, “We’ll meet again.” I french kiss the unconscious Spider-Man and fled the scene.
    To Be Continued

    (C)Copyright. A Spider Carnage FanFic. Spider-Man and other related characters are a trademark and (C) Marvel.

    Spider Carnage”Venom Returns!”

    7/26/2002 11:38:10 PM

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