Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    The "Hell Creek Bar", the tavern featured in JP3, is a real place located in Jordan, Montana. (From: Oviraptor)
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    Modern Day Devils - Chapter 5
    By Snake - Mark

    The Dead Rise

    He no longer had to think about what Lucifer had told him; just seeing the Devil’s associate was enough to make his mind up. When he left the church, a brisk air flowed over him. He thought he would be shivering, but now it seemed as if the cold regenerated him. As he moved through the streets of his small town, he spoke to himself, contemplating his situation.

    The sky started to grow dark, the setting sun giving the sky a fiery look. Mark turned his attention towards the sky, his eyes seemingly penetrating the red of the sky and seeing something others can not. Behind the redness of the darkening sky, he saw an everlasting brightness which would illuminate the Earth brighter than the sun if it were physically there.

    A swift dizziness came over the teen, causing him to drop to his knees hard. The ground grew soft beneath him, the sky’s light diminished completely, and the air became considerably thicker. His lungs worked harder trying to breathe in the dense air as his eyes squinted in the complete darkness, trying to make out what looked like shadows upon the ground.

    Without putting a hole in the concrete road, a blazing orange light emitted from land, brightening a vast area around Mark. With a slight tremble, the sound of cracking concrete filled the air. Mark fell backwards as the ground in front of him separated, leaving a small slit in the road. From the slit, a blinding light pierced the orange glow, followed by the fingers of a scarred hand. At the tip of the agitated digits were talon-like claws that dug smoothly into the rock-solid land. Another hand pushed up from the small opening, its claws digging into the ground on the other side. The bony look of the clawed fingers grew more muscle filled as they tensed. The ground shifted again as a pair of muscular arms lifted from the now larger hole; tensing even more and giving one powerful push on the ground, a fireball of light blew through the hole, causing a shower of dirt and gravel. The fireball halted in the middle of the air and started a slow descent back down.

    The break in the earth closed up as the same speed of the falling ball of fire. During its drop, the light coming from the ball died off, giving way to a man-sized shadow. The shadow touched the ground gently, placing all of its weight on two heavy legs.

    Mark’s eyes stared at the ground briefly, then trailed past the clawed feet of the shadow, up its burly muscle red legs, over a chest that made any six pack seem flabby, and finally to the head, which bore two red orbs as eyes. The fire-like glowing eyes stared directly at the teenager, causing him to back up a bit more. Mark’s shoulder bumped into something rough and pliable. As his head turned, his eyes caught a site that any person would have died from seeing.

    Behind the shadow that he had bumped into stood what could have passed for a whole army of shadows, their gazes all aimed at the lone teen. In unison, the creatures, which Mark came to realize as the Devils army of Demons, reached to their backs and pulled from them what looked to be large broad swords; the unmistakable pentagram was etched in a continuous burning flame on the base of the swords blade. As they held their hell-blades in front of them, the Demons let out a low growl as their backs grew larger and split out into separate directions to give way to two torn wings.

    Mark stood slowly, his head turning and taking in the uncountable amount of Demons. As he took in the unforgettable site, the sky started to break and give way to the light of the sun. As the sun illuminated the earth, the Demons began to disappear. A panic surged through the teen as the last of the beasts was hidden within the light. As he stood still, he felt something push by him roughly, knocking him to one side. While trying to keep his balance, he felt the sharp edge of a blade drag across his skin with enough mildness to keep his skin from splitting. Mark pulled his arm away and began to move slowly through the invisible crowd.

    “I need to find the others…” He spoke to himself softly as he walked, an arm extended out in front of him.

    2/1/2003 5:44:17 PM

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