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    To convince Spielberg to go with CGI dinosaurs instead of stop-motion effects, the ILM team animated a herd of dinosaur skeletons running across a field. (From: 'Vader')
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    Halo: The 4 Arrows ch. 2
    By Skidmarkz

    "All military units, report to loading bay imediately" screeched the voice over the speaker phones throughout the starship. Dontan dismissed the 3 generals to go organize their armies for the battle ahead.
    "Wuntox! What is goin on?! I thought the Flood fleet was 2 days from here!" screamed Dontan. "I-It w-was sir!" stuttered Wuntox."They must have made a hyper jump into our space zone. We hadn't exactly, well...predicted that."
    "AHHHH! How could this happen!?" exclaimed Dontan, as his face turned a shade of redish blue.

    The 4 armies were gathering 5 minutes later in the enormously large loading bay. The plan was going to be launched early. The Gontalite battle blades would attack below and behind the front of flood cruisers and transporters. The Armarons would sweep around to the back side to make them follow them so as to seperate the fleet in two parts. If that went as planned, the Daxxonas and Trontans would come in from all sides and do a quick hit and run, then hyper jump to the fodune galaxy, getting the flood to follow them.
    Dontan was pacing the Battle Bridge, consulting the space maps and flight paths to get an advantage on sneaking up on the Flood. "Wuntox, I want our ships launched in 30 minutes" ordered Dontan. "Yes sir, I'll do it now" Wuntox replied.
    The other 3 generals arrived on the Bridge 25 minutes later.
    <5 minutes, until launch> the overhead voice boomed
    "So, do you really think this will work?" Gofin asked Dontan. He replied, "Oh yes, our soldiers are smart enough, and it will be difficult, but they'll pull it off. As long as it's perfect."
    "t-minus 10 seconds til launch." The loading Bay opened and what sounded like a large whoosh throughout the ship was 8,000 battle cruisers deploying into space. "There they go..."whispered Halan. "Hopefully not to their s"
    "I wouldn't worry about that, my soldiers have been trained for fighting in space since birth on our planet. I'm sure they will do quite well" commented Flak-su. "Let us come watch the Holo-Visual on screen" replied Dontan.
    The Hologram showed the tiny ships moving into position upon the Flood Fleet. Dontan gave the first order, "Group 1, move into position." The tiny green dots that represented the Gontalite ships took position instantly, invisible to flood radar. "Group 2, move into position" he said again. The Armarons made the jump to the back of the Fleet ready to strike. "Groups 3 and 4, go now!" The yellow dots came from all directions and struck a blow to the Fleet. The flood had no idea what was happening and the confusion could be seen on the screen. The Armarons and Gontalites each took their tolls upon the Fleet, working in unison to make the Flood Fleet seperate. Everything was going beautifully. Only one more step to go. Dontan gave the final order, "4 Arrows, hyper jump to coordinates 12,34 in the Fodune Galaxy on my mark...." A moment of silence, just as the flood began to assemble, "NOW!" Dontan yelled. The army of ships suddenly disappeared from the screen. And just as planned, the Flood followed...

    9/28/2002 11:40:27 PM
    (Updated: 9/28/2002 11:40:55 PM)
    (Updated: 9/28/2002 11:43:22 PM)
    (Updated: 9/28/2002 11:45:37 PM)

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