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    During filming of JP, the action had to be continually stopped during the 'Rex vs. Jeep' scene so the crew could dry off the skin of the t-rex, which would shake violently when it became wet. (From: 'Dinosaur_neill')
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    Jurassic Park IV Twin Raptors Ch. 5
    By SiLiEnT HuNtEr

    We drove out of the field and entered back into the Jungle. Than we burst unto the beach and drove on the shore and saw the base, about a mile away. I hollered in the back to get ready to attack. All men cocked their guns and got ready. I rammed through the wall and I saw a bunch of Afrovenators. They walked along like guards. Than they turned and looked at the van. I hid in the floorboard as they checked the van out. I counted down from 3 as I gripped my gun in my sweaty palms. 3..........2.........1. We busted out and began shooting. I swung open the door and knocked down a Afrovenator and shot him in his chest cavity. Than I ran inside, and grabbed my Uzi and shot one Afrovenator after another. Eric gripped his Rail gun and jumped on top of the van and started shooting the dinos. Canaan and Eric got on the high hides and started shooting the Afrovenators. Adam and Jackie ran through the gates and began shooting the dinosaurs. Then Neil and Ben ran into the camp also. Me and Rustin manned the double barrel machine gun turret on top of the van. Finally, we destroyed the dinosaurs and regain control of our base. We set another wall up and we stayed inside the base. Than a series of jeeps, full of men burst out of the foliage. That night I called a meeting and all the men came and sat in the opening. I began to speak. Than I was interrupted by the talking. I hollered than started to talk. They looked at me and began to listen.
    "We are trapped on a island off the coast of Costa Rico, this island is called Isla Sorna, it was picked for a second island in developing dinosaurs, we have no way of communication, or transportation." I spoke
    The men started to talk and sigh and than look back at me
    "But we found that there is a set of facilities on the other side of the island, there is high tech facilities and a good chance to find communication, we can't go around because of high mountains, we are going to journey through the core of this island, I have arranged a convey of vehicles to take us through the island. We have gathered all equipment and we will set up another
    camp where the river is. We will set out tomorrow morning. Than there was a roar. I looked up at Eric and Canaan in the High Hide. They cocked their guns and looked down. The thumping got closer than went away. The morning came and we were busy packing in equipment for the journey through the island. I knew this would be something I would never forget. We put turrets on the jeeps, and got guns for the vans. Than we dissected the jets and brought parts just in case.
    We had about 130 jeeps, 20 tanks, and 50 vans, we had everything souped up and ready for the journey. We got a supply of food and rigged the high hides on top of the vans. We got all of the ammo and we had Alan and Malcolm make maps of the area because they been here before. I was going to ride in the Radar Mobile, and I rigged up some monster truck wheels to the Radar Mobile, there I have a series of radars, maps, and screens, and a speaker system for announcing and I could here the others report 8 way CB radios. We set the line of vehicles on the beach and filled the tanks up. I calculated that we would get to the river by noon that day, if we stay on track and have no delays. We called for everybody to get into the vehicles. The roar and popping of the souped up engines scanned the island. It sound like thunder. We took off down the beach. I glanced back at the submerged burnt remains of the fleet. I kept driving. Kicking up the sand and than it got rockier and we were approaching the point where we enter the jungle. I got a report from one of the jeeps, it was Canaan. He was telling me the go point was right in front of us. I took a sharp turn and everything got darker.

    2/17/2002 7:08:25 PM

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