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    Velociraptor is just one of the dinosaurs in the "raptor" family of dinos. It is actually the smallest of the group, consisting of Velociraptor, Deinonychus, Dromaeosaurus, and the recently discovered Utahraptor. (From: Irusha S.)
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    JuRrAsIc JuNk TrIoGy(The Lost World) Part 3
    By SiLiEnT HuNtEr

    Malcolm is in the warehouse where they are building giant campers to study biological Mongooses safely. He meets with his adopted daughter(She doesn't know it.). Kelly sneaks on one of the trailers. Malcolm has disappeared somewhere. Eventually to a second studio to do a JP Uncut.
    Kelly climbs up into the trailer than falls back out. Than climbs back up than runs into the cabinet than look at this map.
    Kelly: Video games.
    Eddie: Get out of there girl.
    Kelly: What ya name.
    Eddie: Eddie, now get out.
    Kelly: Eggie, have you played this game.
    Kelly pushes a button and the trailer accelerates than stops.
    Kelly: This is fun.
    Eddie grabs a rope and connects it to a jeep than runs to the camper. Stupidly he dives right when the jeep accelerates up. He than runs back it and goes and dives toward the trailer and the same thing happens again.. This repeats over and over.
    Kelly: These Graphics are lame.
    Eddie than dives and hooks. The rope is now between his legs. The trailer accelerates and the string hits his nuts. Than he flips over and runs to the jeep. He gets in it and starts pulling the trailer than the trailer accelerates and swings the jeep around a barricade. Than the barricade falls down and bashes the roof of the jeep in. Than the trailer accelerates and the barricade rises up. Than it stops and the barricade falls down.
    Eddie: Kelly.
    Barricade falls up.
    Eddie: Ooof
    The barricade goes down.
    Eddie: Kelly!!!!!!
    The barricade goes up.
    Eddie: Kelly, Answer the friggin phone.
    Kelly stops the trailer and the barricade comes down.
    Kelly inside the trailer: Hello.
    Barricade falls on Eddie right when he was about to say something.
    Kelly sticks her head out the window.
    Kelly: He hung up.
    She accelerates and the barricade rises up and Eddie climbs out of the jeep. Than the rope breaks and the barricade comes down and Eddie jumps out of the way and looks at the trailer. The trailer's lights are on real bright. Than flames bust out of windows and the trailer is on fire.
    Kelly: I can't cook.
    Than the trailer started roaring.
    Kelly: It's driving on it's on.
    The trailer speeds after Eddie and he runs through a entrance and the trailer bust after him. It is night time and the trailer is on fire and still after Eddie. Than the bottom of it opened up like a mouth. Than this dude is in the road.
    Dude: Christine
    Kelly: I'm kelly.

    3/5/2002 9:32:59 PM

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