Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    An early trailer for JP3 has a voice over saying, "They thought.. the island was terminated. They thought.. nothing had survived. They... were wrong." Of course, "they" knew there were dinos left on Sorna -- Hammond gives a big speech about it at the end. (From: SnakeEyeJP)
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    JuRrAsIc JuNk TrIoGy(The Lost World) Part 2
    By SiLiEnT HuNtEr

    Now on the last scene, a british family of yaks stumbled upon site B. The girl is alright, but is scarred for life. Malcolm is awaiting for us near the subway. So scene 2 of Jurassic Junk's The Lost World.
    Malcolm walks on subway and a guy approaches him.
    Guy: You that guy.
    Malcolm: Huh
    Guy: You that guy.
    Malcolm: What guy.
    Guy: Hmmmm You that guy.
    Malcolm: Tell me what Guy!!
    Guy: I don't know, why you asking me.
    Guy turns around.
    Guy: You that guy.
    Malcolm: Shut Up
    Malcolm walked into this big mansion. Tim and Lex came running down.
    Malcolm: Slow down, don't want destroy this place. How things are doing.
    Tim: Not anything good.
    Lex: Poopie
    Tim: Into your padded cell now Lex
    Two men walked in.
    Man: What's my line? *acted cute*
    Ludlow: Ludlow is the best best person.
    Man: Ludlow is the best best person.
    Ludlow: Good boy.
    Malcolm walks into a room with Hammond in the bed.
    John: A girl was attacked by Mongooses
    Malcolm: Prehistoric Mongooses
    John: Chemically Altered Mongooses.
    Malcolm: Compys
    John: Yeah
    Malcolm: Is she dead.
    John: No
    Malcolm: Dang
    John: I love site B.
    Malcolm: What?
    John: Site B, the breeding place for, what they are.
    Malcolm: dinosaurs?
    John: No mongooses
    Malcolm: Oh
    John: We would breed them and ship them to. What is it.
    Malcolm: Isla Nublar?
    John: No, Isla Nutrient Bar
    Malcolm: Oh
    John: Than Hurricane Hammond came by and ate the place, we left the dinosaurs.
    Malcolm: Can I come?

    Malcolm has met with Hammond and Malcolm strongly refused to go to Site B. Malcolm eventually is going to be sucked into the deal. Who cares. On with the movie.

    Malcolm: Can I come.
    John: Wasn't planning on it.
    Malcolm: Cool, I will come.
    John: We are taking your girlfriend.
    Malcolm: Diana
    John: No
    Malcolm: Brandy
    John: No, Sarah
    Malcolm: I hate Sarah.
    John: Well, we already sent her to the island, so she is probably dead.
    Malcolm: She is a woman, women and kids are never going to die in a JP movie.
    John: Kelly is.
    Malcolm: Well, we made her biochemically
    John: With what.
    Malcolm: Old Beer, Molded bread, Flat Pepsi and Pachy DNA for the bald spot.
    John: So that is why she is bald.
    Malcolm: Yup

    Screen switches to a warehouse like area, where sparks fly as they make machines for them to go in. That is where Malcolm meets Eddie and Nick. Kelly runs up.

    Kelly: Mommy Mommy Mommy
    Malcolm: I'm your Daddy.
    Kelly: When did you start that.
    Malcolm: Yesterday, Why are you bugging me.
    Kelly: I made a Y on a test.
    Malcolm: What was the highest
    Kelly: What ever is the first of the Alphabet.
    Malcolm: A
    Kelly: No, 8
    Malcolm: How did you get here.
    Kelly: Duh Silly, I came.
    Malcolm: OooooKkkkk
    Kelly: What are you making.
    Malcolm: Trailers
    Kelly: So what movie is coming out.
    Malcolm: No Trailers you live in.
    Kelly: Uh
    Malcolm: So how did gymastics go.
    Kelly: I got kicked out.
    Malcolm: Why, Stupid, Crazy, Ugly
    Kelly: They said that I would have to grow hair in more than three corners of my triangle head.

    3/5/2002 9:30:38 PM

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