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    JuRrAsIc JuNk TrIoGy(Jurrasic Park) Part 6
    By SiLiEnT HuNtEr

    The last installment was sick, we caught Lex in a brain lapse and the T-Rex has gotten lose. The monstrous dino has football kicked Tim and Lex's jeep into a tree. Then that means, that Malcolm and Grant are next. So we go to the 6 no 7th oh heck with it. Installment to Jurassic Junk.
    T-Rex: Crud, my toe
    Alan: Let's get flares and do the Kayoke Toke dance.
    Malcolm: I'm going to stupidly run with mines.
    Alan: Your loss.
    Alan and Malcolm run out, Alan doing the Kayoke Toke dance, Malcolm running in circles.
    T-Rex: Hey, do you got bandaids.
    Alan: What did he say?
    Malcolm: We are like candy.
    T-Rex: Okay wake up.
    Alan: What did he say!
    Malcolm: Our blood will stain his teeth, Brush em
    T-Rex: Do you got a friggin band aid for my toe.
    Alan: What did he say.
    Malcolm: he wants to eat us, and he is very mad.
    Alan throws his flare on the T-Rex foot and jumps off the concrete fence and into a tree with a jeep.
    Alan: Weeee
    T-Rex: Ouch, hey that hurt.
    Malcolm: Hahahahahaha
    T-Rex looks at Malcolm and roars.
    Malcolm: Hahahahahahaha(*Sissy scream*)
    T-Rex chases Malcolm back and forth over and over.
    Malcolm throws his flare back, which lands in the T-Rex's Mouth
    T-Rex: Heart Burn
    T-Rex roars and lifts Malcolm off the ground and throws him back down.
    T-Rex: Now I'm going to leave you and walk off for no apparent reason.
    Malcolm:Ok, Bye
    T-Rex: I had a great time.
    T-Rex walks off.
    Than a jeep drives up with Ellie and another man in it.
    Ellie: I saw you were in trouble with my crystal ball.
    Malcolm: Who is the other guy.
    Ellie: The dude writing this fanfic doesn't know.
    Man runs off than comes running back.
    Man: Get in, let's go.
    Malcolm upper body is swaying out the side and is hitting the ground.
    T-Rex comes running after the jeep.
    Jeep swurves back and forth.
    Malcolm still swaying over the side
    Malcolm: Whooo, Woooo, Whooo, Woooo
    Ellie: Oh no Jurassic Chicken
    Chickens with heads of raptors and horns on their head start to cross.
    Malcolm: Woooo Ahhhhhhhhhhh
    Ellie: Run them over, Mr.
    Ellie glances and sees nobody is driving, than she looks back an sees the man on the ground being pecked by the Jurassic Chickens.
    Jurassic Chicken: That'll teach you to eat our future bodies.

    Meanwhile..........Nedry is having a trouble himself.

    The jeep pulls up to a gate and Nedry walks out and opens it than trips and falls down. He gets back up and hears a chirping.
    Nedry: Birdies
    Than the chirping roars
    Nedry: Big Birdies
    Than a creature walks up and starts chirping than hisses and a fin like thing shoots out from its neck. Nedry runs back up into the hill and closes the gate. But he senses that someone else is in the jeep with him. He looks by him and to his horror is cheese.
    Cheese: Phhhhhhhhbtthuhgrereuihytre
    Nedry: Noooooo
    Than cheese ooze shot out and covered Nedry eyes.
    Cheese: My favorite, Cheese Dinkie Neddys
    Nedry: Noooooooooooo!
    Meanwhile in the trees by the T-rex paddock........
    Tim: Good Golly GooGoo Girly Game Gong Guys
    Lex: What?
    Tim: Its Alan Grant, and he is going to save us.
    Alan Grant climbs down some more.
    Alan: Don't worry, I'll save you.
    Than the branch under Grant broke and he fell till he stopped on limb which
    settled between his legs.
    Tim: Ouch
    Lex: i don't even want to know what that feels like.
    Than the jeep's limb broke and the jeep fell till it hit a twig sticking out of the tree, it stayed there balanced up right. Tim and Lex walked out and went to the limb Alan was on.
    Then they hung upside down and looked below at a herd of Jurassic chicken.
    Jurassic Chicken: Revolution
    Jurassic Chicken 2: Yeah baby, shagadelic
    Jurassic Chicken 3: I would like it with british tea.
    Jurassic Chicken 4: Ya british mon, Me Jamaican Mon
    Jurassic Chicken 5: You just another Aussie on the Barbie on the grill, Bloke
    Than a Apatosaurs squashes the herd and walks up.
    Lex: It's a poor baby with a cold.
    Than the head raises up and the flesh of another dinosaur is in its mouth.
    Alan farts
    Tim farts
    Lex farts
    Tim and Alan fall off the tree.

    2/16/2002 9:00:17 PM

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