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    Since the plates and spikes on Ankylosaurs' backs are usually not intact when the fossil remains are discovered, their exact placement and orientation on the animal's back is often educated guesswork or based on other, more complete specimens. (From: jurassiraptor)
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    JuRrAsIc JuNk TrIoGy(Jurrasic Park) Part 4
    By SiLiEnT HuNtEr

    Cheese *Burp* Cheese, oh here we are again. The last episode introduced Henry Wu, obsessed with cheese, he practically turned the whole scene into a musical. Do not say cheese, cause these people will go wack. Finally, they shot Wu with a tranq and thru him in a padded cell with cheese. Everybody is ready to go on the tour. On the other hand, Nedry is sneaking into the embyo lab. So welcome to Jurassic Junk Part 4.

    Wu: Stop staring at me, Mr. Cheese
    Wu begins to hallucinate.
    Cheese: Hello Wu
    Wu: What
    Cheese: Cheese me.
    Wu: No, you can't make me
    Cheese: Cheese me
    Wu: Noooooooo
    Wu grabs the cheese and stomps on it.
    Cheese: We love to see you smile.
    Wu: Shut Up.
    Cheese: McDonald's
    Wu: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Shut up
    Cheese: Swiss, and Cheddar makes you better, Macoroni on Baloney from Tasty Tony on a pony.
    Wu: Die, Cheese, Die
    Cheese: Phbbbbbbbtttttttttt
    Meanwhile......... Near Nedry

    Nedry walks by with a Coca Cola machine on his back.
    Nedry: Yes, the woman on the screen has kept their eyes on the screen and not me.
    Scientist turns around and cockes his head and turns and speaks to the other scientist.
    Scientist 1: Whats with Nedry, he is carrying a Coca Cola machine.
    Scientist 2: Dude is a wack job, he has eaten way to many donuts.
    Scientist 1: I know, but we never got Coca Cola machine.
    Scientist 2: It probably followed him home.
    Scientist 1: Yeah, what can resist the smell of stale caramel popcorn
    Scientist 2: Dude got some issues.
    Scientist 1: Hey I think the woman is starting to move.
    Nedry walked inside the embryo area, He opens up the machine and starts cramming embryos inside it.
    Nedry: Chicken, Dog, Cow, Cat, Rooster, Horse, Moose, Turtle
    Nedry: Thats all the dinosaurs.
    Nedry: Oh what the heck with it.
    Nedry crammes everything in the machine and walks back into the computer room and sit the Coca cola machine upright.
    Nedry: Now to crash the system.

    Scientist: I'm thirsty, I'm going to get something to drink.
    Scientist walks up to the machine and inserts 3 quarters. Than turns to the other scientist and hollers.
    Scientist: This thing is cool.
    Than a head sticks out of the vending machine and eats the scientist.
    Other Scientist: Bob, Bob, the friggin Coca Cola Machine ate Bob, and he dropped his drink.
    Scientist picks up drink.
    Scientist: Utahraptor, must be another fruitopia flavor, oh well bottoms up.
    Scientist drinks embryos.
    Scientist: My stomach hurts.
    Scientist's stomach gets bigger.
    Scientist: Oh my word I'm giving birth.
    Other scientists run and get the Utahraptor out.
    Doctor: Congrats it's a boy thing
    Scientist: We are going to get a cottage in Maryland.
    The helicopter lifts the scientist off.
    Than the light went off, than came back on, than went off.

    Scientist 1: The fences are off.
    Scientist 2: The woman is gone.
    Scientist 1: The dinosaurs is lose.
    Scientist 2: The Coca Cola machine is offline.
    Scientist 1: Our doom is near.
    Scientist 2: Wu is lose.
    The building begins to shake.
    Then the faint word cheese is heard, like the roar of a dinosaur.
    Wu walks forward and bends down and sniffs a bunch of toy cars than roars.
    Wu: Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssse!!!!!!!!!!!

    2/16/2002 1:59:49 PM

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