The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Michael Crichton is an honorary board member of "The Dinosaur Society", which raises funds for dinosaur research and encourages scientifically accurate dino toys, books, etc. (From: 'jurassiraptor')
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    Metal Gear Solid X - preview
    By Shadow Raptor X and Exodus

    This is a short selection where Snake is caught by a guard. The plot of the story is, well, not to be said here. I can say that it involves a chip that can render one invisible, a new Metal Gear, an assasin named X and a 10 ton nuclear warhead.

    The guard walked forwards. Moving towards the noise. Snake sat crouched up against the wall. "Hello? Who is there?" The guard said, cocking his gun.
    Snake pulled out his SOCOM and got ready to jump. The guard held his gun tight and raised it, ready to fire. Snake cocked his gun, hoping the guard wasn't too close. The guard sprang into action, fireing 2 rounds at the wall with his right hand, and calling for backup with his left. Snake held his position as the rounds burst the wall. He grabbed a C4 and stuck it to the floor. The guard was stll firing, soon 3 more guns joined the bullet-fest. Snake waited, he staid back, ready to shoot. Suddenly, the firing stopped. "You, go ahead. You two, get ready." The guard said. The sound of footsteps followed. Snake got up and ran down the hall, makeing alot of noise as he went. The guards came around the corner, Snake stood at the end of the hallway. "FREEZE!" The guard yelled, aiming for Snake's head. "Put your gun down..." The guard continued. "What, I don't have a gun." Snake said in reply. "Then what's in your hand?" The guard asked, lightening his grip. "What? This?" Snake said as he lowered his hand to reveal a detonator. "Holy Shit! Freeze!" The guard squealed, the two guards jumped out at that moment. "Boom..." Snake wispered as he pushed the button. The wall exploded, sending the guards toppling over. As the final guard came around the corner, he saw his men toppled and the wall exploded. Then he looked up and saw nobody in the hallway. The intruder escaped!

    11/26/2002 5:52:18 PM

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