The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Running from the t-rex in the TLW San Diego sequence is cinematographer Januz Kaminski and producer Katleen Kennedy, among other members of the crew.
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    Predator 3: Primal Prey Ch. 1 : Primal Fears
    By Shadow Raptor X

    The raptors sat in a semi-circle chattering and screeching like every other day. The air smelled fresh and the sun shone brightly. The alpha male trotted along the main road, past the semi-circle and wandered down a hill side. He entered an area that stank of a strange smell. In the middle of the area, there was a crater. He did not dare get to close. His curiosity made him inch closer, bit by bit, step by step.

    Through his mask, he could see a vast field. Many large reptilian animals lumbered along, munching on the trees.
    He pulled out his blade and jumped down the tree's trunk, onto it's massive roots. His burner aimed at one of the smaller ones and fired. Missing by an inch, the older ones protected their young by ramming at him. He quickly took two down and sliced another's cheek. Grabbing the dead one by the tail, he carried it up the tree, into a dark canopy.

    The alpha raptor stepped down the crater's side and cautiously entered the oval metal room. The walls covered with bones, he looked at them all, a long one, a blue one, one with huge teeth, a human skull and a Pachy skull.
    He kept checking the air, he felt odd. Something is in here, he thought, but where? Quietly he left the room and walked back up the hill and sat into his semi-circle.

    The alpha female notice her mate's scared look. She saw the three red dots on his face. They seemed to come from the tree's. She stood, and took a bounded over to her mate, as she got within 3 feet of him, his skull exploded. A large blue light shot from the tree's and killed him.

    The beast fell and he felt proud, the beast had no clue about him in the ship. But, it didn't fall into his trap.
    He sat on the highest branch in the tree. His infrared vision showed him that the group was scattering, it is now time to claim his trophy...

    Read Ch. 2 : Revenge

    1/28/02 9:05:14 PM

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