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    Even though Speilberg directed TLW, he has been quoted saying that sequels are nothing more than a "cheap canary trick" (From: 'Dinosaur_neill')
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    Jurassic Park V- Chapter 1
    By Shadow Raptor X

    The boat floated silent, yet, an eerie scent was in the air. Mike sat at the beach wondering what the others where doing. The boat looked old and rusty, nothing like Billy's boat. Mike sat in silence, a cold silence. Like ice. He wondered, "How did we get here? The army watches us?" It wasn't a normal trip, It was a new thing. Where they were going, Mike knew nothing. They just came here, he was told to stay in the boat. Mike knew he should have stayed there. At the boat. The breeze blew harder now, Mike came to and looked around. The boat was still there... He sneezed a loud sneeze. He got up. The river bent about 4 feet away, behind him, a jungle so dark, even sunlight didn't come through the thick canopy. Mike slowly walked over to the water and tried to clean his face, he was covered in dirt. As mike got up, he noticed a shadow between a tree. "Hello?!" mike yelled in desperation. The shadow moved, Mike steped back. "Who are you?" He caughed.
    The shadow suddenly dissapeared back into the forest. Mike sat down again, mad as hell and twice as scared.

    Billy Brenan came to the boat alone. He got in and found it ungarded. Why did he come here? He lost his wife and his two kids. Hell, he hated this place. He reached for the keys, but hesitated. What if they survived? He thought. His wife and daugter got away, perhaps. He knew he needed help, but who? All these thoughts pumped throught his head as he turned the ignition and started to cast off. Why did he bring them? He just wanted the eggs, the money, the fame. He suddenly remembered what Alan told him, "If you ever take these eggs of the island... To me, you are worse then the people who built this place." His memory was distorted but those words burned into his head. He started to move away, he started to move faster. Now he knew who to call for help. Dr. Alan Grant.

    Kim sat in the grass crying. Beside her, her mom's carcass. She couldn't remember what happened.How it happened? She knew nothing. The wind blew across the grass as she stood up. She held her arm tight to stop the blood. Where was her dad? He could help... She fell again. The grass shook in the wind. The breeze slowed to a halt and the grass still shook. She knew that sound, Grass moving. She looked back and screamed. There stood a giant Red Raptor. She forced her mouth shut. Luckly it was old and had hard hearing. She knew it, MegaRaptor. It sniffed the air and started to run towards the jungle. Kim sighed as it went away. Then there came a sound like thunder, but not it. It was the roar of a herd of Chasmosaurs heading towards her. Kim screamed again as the first feet trampled by...

    11/26/2002 7:10:37 PM

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