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    Best way to survive a trip to JP? Be a woman or a child -- heavily armed men seem to be the most likely to get killed by dinos. (From 'Evilgrinch')
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    Jurassic Park 3 novelization - chapter 2
    By SeanArcher

    Eric Kirby ran through the dark landscape. Behind him the sounds of predatorial pursuits filled the forest. His heart pounded, his muscles ached, but he had to keep running, or he was going to die. Keep running!

    He had been running for what seemed like an eternity. The noises behind him started to die off, and ahead of him he saw a structure rising out of the ground. It was a water truck, resting on its side, long abandoned. Eric ran for it and pulled at the rusty latch and forced it open and lept into the darkness, dropping the latch shut behind him. It was pitch black. He felt at his surroundings: the inside of a big iron water tank.

    He tried calming himself. Those things that were chasing him... they killed Ben. What were they? What the hell was happening to him? He balled himself up in the shallow water and rocked himself back and forth. He wanted to go home.


    "You can see here the inner structure of the resonating chamber of the specimen." Alan Grant continued his lecture in front of the packed auditorium, though no one gave a shit what he was talking about. He was in Washington D.C., giving another fundraising speach like he had been doing for the past few years. The funds were almost depleted, and if he didn't get some help soon, he was going to become extinct. "After years and years of panestaking studies, we have thorized that the structure may have actually gave the velociraptor the ability to make distinctive calling sounds, allowing them to vocalize with one another, similar to the way we humans speak."

    Grant looked around at the uninterested group. "This would mean that they could talk to each other, ladies and gentlemen. Of course, this theory is very intriguing, that is why I am asking for your support to continue this research. I hope this has been of interest to you all, and I now open myself to questions."

    One by one, every single hand in the room shot up. Grant smiled. "Ok, does anyone have any questions that do not relate to Jurassic Park?"

    Most of the hands lowered. That was all anyone who he ran into these past years cared about. What were the dinosaurs like? Were you scared?

    "Or the incident in San Diego, which I did not witness."

    More hands lowered. Grant pointed to one young man. "Yes, sir."

    The student stood up. "Your studies are interesting, Dr. Grant, but now that there are living dinosaurs, isn't paleontology a thing of the past? I mean, now scientists can just go in and look for themselves."

    Grant paced across the stage, dissapointed with the question. "Dinosaurs are extinct. They have been extinct for sixty-five million years, ladies and gentlemen. What is left of them is fossilized, and that is where real study takes place. What John Hammond created at Jurassic Park were theme park attractions, nothing more."

    "So are you saying you wouldn't want to go to Isla Sorna and study them?" the young man asked.

    Grant retorted sharply. "No force, on Earth or heaven, could get me on that island." And he smiled.

    11/21/2002 8:05:43 PM

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