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    Jurassic Park 3 novel - Introduction
    By SeanArcher

    The Complete (unofficial) Novel


    Ryan Owens

    Copyright 2002 by Ryan Owens
    Based on the Jurassic Park franchise by Universal Studios and Michael Crighton.

    To the fans of Dan's


    "Life in the Age of Opportunity"

    The late twentieth century has witnessed a rapid growth in the interest in dinosaurs.

    It is nothing new. Since the first dinosaur fossil discovery in 300 a.d., man has been enthralled in this subject. The romance associated with these magnificent creatures - rulers of the planet for eons, suddenly coming to a crashing end - has been an amazing fascination amongst young children and adults alike. It has also been the forefront for grand museums and paleontology sites all around the planet. And according to one observor, "the fascination with dinosaurs doesn't seem to be going anywhere..."

    But beginning in the late 1980s, man began to view these animals in a whole new way.


    Man's burning desire to experience these majestic animals living once again in all their profound glory suddenly became an unexpected reality just a few short years ago - credit to the remarkable advances in genetic engineering. For the first time in 65 million years, dinosaurs were once again able to become a living, thriving species, and were able to roam the lucious world of Jurassic Park on a series of remote islands off the west coast of Costa Rica; and all the world could visit them - for a price.

    But as foretold by theories in chaos, disaster struck and the park was destroyed before it even opened - the other islands indefinately restricted from interference from Man.

    The incident was kept secret, and the public had not even become aware of these astonishing creations until the disaster in San Diego occured - an event which captured the attention of the entire planet.


    This type of commercialization of nature is not uncommon, and can be seen in nearly every nation in the world today. From zoos in North America to African safaris, mother nature is being displayed for the simple sake of human entertainment. It is a mega-industry taking in over a billion dollars each year. There are two reasons for the success of this industry.

    First, it is greatly appealing. Perhaps it's the lack of nature in modern civilization that has led to this. It's enchanting and breathtaking to many. Some feel it as an obligation to fulfill some childhood fascination - others feel it as a way to escape from the unnatural restraints set by civilizaztion. But it is done in a civilized way.

    Second, it is widely common and widely accepted. After all, it's an easy way for the forerunners to make a profit. Public demand is often through the roof. And the attractions are constanlty made more and more appealing. But this factor is often neccessary for the company's survival. It is often of little or no concern as to what is actually being done to nature. It's unsurprising that there are as many of these attractions as there are. And in a world where most people follow what the rest are doing - and the majority is high on the sense of superiority - it's also unsurprising that there is as little protest as there is.

    But the inherent supplemental dangers are often overlooked. After all, someone is in charge of it all.

    The standard for adventure-seekers is also constantly being set higher and higher to be more and more thrilling and exciting for its patrons, always seeking that ultimate adrenaline rush.

    There has been nothing more thrilling and enticing, though, than even the thought of experiencing living dinosaurs, which is now a reality.

    So in this bold new dinosaur-written world we live in today, it's probably inevitable that there are still those who would do anything to witness these magnificent creatures first-hand. It is equally unsurprising that there are those who would try to profit on this obsession.

    7/18/2002 3:49:58 AM

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