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    The Scarlet Spider Chapter 2
    By Scarlet Spider

    Chapter 2

    Spider-Man swing graceful through the city towards the Daily Bugle building. He got there in half the time in what would have taken him to reach if he had walk. Peter changes his clothes quickly, and processed to J. Jonah Jameson’s office.
    “Mr. Jameson, I got a story,” Peter said.
    “Well, it better be a good one, Parker,” Jonah groaned.
    “Sure it is a good story,” Peter said.
    “Well, what is it,” Jonah shouted.
    “It is about an alien that they found from the meteoroid-,” Peter said.
    “An alien,” Jonah asked.
    “Yes, and I got photos,” Peter told him.
    “Great work, Parker,” Jameson said.
    “And-,” Peter tried to talk.
    “This will sell papers,” Jonah said excited.
    “Parker, give Robertson the camera and info then go home for the rest of the day,” Jonah said.
    “You’ll have a big bonus at the end of the month,” Jonah said.
    “Why thanks Mr. Jameson,” Peter said.
    Peter grabbed his bag and process to walk out the building looking cheerful.

    Eddie rush into the Bugle building like lightning.
    “Where is Parker,” he asked.
    “Eddie, get in here,” Jameson called out.
    “Fire,” Eddie said shocked.
    “Yes, you screw up, letting a rookie get the story before you,” Jonah explained.
    “But let me explain, Jonah,” Eddie beg.
    “No excuses,” Jonah said, “Now get out of my site.”

    Eddie walks out the building frustrated.
    “Damn that Parker,” Eddie said.
    “I’ll get you,” Eddie said to himself.
    Peter walks in the room of his university and hears the phone ringing.
    “Hello,” Peter answered.
    “Peter, its Aunt May,” Aunt May said over the phone.
    “Hi, Aunt May, um, how is the trip to Mexico going,” Peter asked.
    “It’s fine, Peter, Marlene and I are having a wonderful time,” Aunt May said, “I was just calling to see how you are doing.”
    “I’m fine, Aunt May, hope you’ll enjoy the trip,” Peter said.
    “All right, bye,” Aunt May said.
    “Bye, Aunt May, love ya,” Peter said to his aunt then he hung up the phone.
    “I’m glad Harry is out of town too,” Peter said to himself.
    “I’ll meet up with Mary Jane tomorrow,” Peter thought.
    Peter decided to turn in and went to sleep.

    A black substance shot through Peter’s bag. What could it be? It proceeds to crawl on the floor. What is it? Like a turtle it crawl slowly towards the bed. What is it? It shot into the air and then-
    Peter was looking up. What are those things? It’s the Spider-Man costume but huge, with a black blob. They seem to battle it out. Then the blob grabs Peter. What is going to happen? The Spider-Man suit tries grab Peter from the clutches of this strange creature. Its efforts are wasted. The black blob roars out and then proceeds to swallow Peter down whole-
    Peter wakes up to a face that seems to be familiar, it’s image reflects of a widow of a building. It looks like the Spider-Man mask but black with the same white eyes.
    “How in the world I got out here,” Spider-Man asked himself. The suit was black and it had a huge white spider on it.
    “This is weird,” Spider-Man said to himself.
    His arm reach out then shot webbing out.
    “What the-,” Spider-Man said.
    His other arm then grabbed whole of the webbing.
    “Hey! I can’t control my body,” Spider-Man said.
    He began to swing through the city.
    “How I’m doing this,” Spider-Man asked himself.

    6/12/2002 8:18:43 PM

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