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    The plot of JP3 is rumored to be from a story 'hatched by Spielberg'.
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    Jurassic Park Experiments Part 2
    By Scarface34

    Jurassic Park Experiments
    Part 2

    Site B

    Dr. Norton couldn’t sleep that night. Too much to think about, he supposed. He got up and put his robe on. He walked to his room window. He looked out into the sea. No one, he knew, was going to find them. He pulled the drapes over the window and returned to bed.
    A couple walked along the beach, laughing, chattering in each others ear. The husband decides to sit down on the sandy beach, and his wife does the same. They lay back, and everything was all right in the world, or they thought. There was a few minutes of piece, then, suddenly, something grabbed the husbands feet and began dragging him towards the sea. His wife began yelling, grabbing at him. He looked at his attacker. It stared back at him with glowing, orange eyes. The talons from the creature dug deeper in his foot as he was being dragged. Soon, his screams faded to gurgles and he was gone. His wife sat on the beach, awe struck. She began to shed a tear as the creature again emerged from the sea. She scrabbled to get away, but its long claws caught a hold of her foot and she screamed.
    Daniels ran down the path to the beach. He held his M4 in his arms. He looked around, and saw nothing. He lowered the gun and gave one last look.
    “Damn kids,” he said to himself before returning to his room.

    Site B

    “Who was it?” Norton asked.
    “I checked the rooms. The Hernandez’s, of course, are gone, and the Kings, they are the ones missing,” Daniels said. “What do we do?”
    “I don’t know. This resort was a great idea. I had no idea that the tourists we to disappear,” Dr. Norton said, frantic.
    “Sir, I strongly advise we evacuate. If the military had forgotten any creatures, it would be wise to get the tourists off this island,” Daniels said.
    “Fine. Get the motor boats started. Call me when you are ready,” Norton said.

    Daniels and four other security guards stared at the mangled boats. Six motorboats were torn to pieces. The bottoms of them were cracked, and the boats were half-sunk. Daniels ran over to the emergency phone. Dead. He looked at the transformer a couple yards away that ran all the phones in the area. The transformer was also mangled and broken. For the first time in his adult life, Daniels was scared.

    Daniels let himself into Norton’s room.
    “I told you to call me. I’m not even done gathering my possessions. Have the workers tell the couples the get ready to go,” Norton said.
    “Doctor, the boats are destroyed. So is the transformer for the phones. I have no idea what to do,” Daniels said.
    Norton was amazed. What was he going to do? He looked at Daniels in his eyes. He saw fear. He knew how many soldiers had died to rid this island of dinosaurs, and that number greatly out-numbered the amount of people here at the resort.
    “Have a lock-down. Make sure everyone stays in there rooms. Post security guards all around the room quarters. I don’t want anymore casualties. I’ll remain in my office. And Daniels, arm your men with every bit of ammunition we have here.”
    Daniels nodded and left. Norton new what could happen. He wanted the best for this place. He didn’t want this, though.

    6/3/2004 12:32:37 PM

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