Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    The "Hell Creek Bar", the tavern featured in JP3, is a real place located in Jordan, Montana. (From: Oviraptor)
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    Jurassic Park Survivor trailer 2
    By Rexy!

    Shows Jack Thorne running though the forest. He is breathing hard. Something is after him. He turns and screams.

    Shows the universal logo, trees and grass and mountains start to grow on the continets on the logo. The camera zooms in on a small island off the coast of Cost Rica.

    Narr. You are being watched...

    Alan Grant and Hunter Bowman is climbing a cliff, at the bottom are three male velociraptors.

    Alan: They know what we are doing, they have gotton smarter since last time I seen them!

    Narr.: You are the prey...

    Sgt.Turner is running in the forest, behind him is a carntosaurus. He turns and raises his bow and electric arrows, and shoots at the charging animal.

    Ellie Sattlier is behind the visitor center, she is at a old Jeep Wrangler. A Velociraptor jumps on the hood. She stumbles back.

    Jack Thorne and Billy Brennan is in the visitor center, on the second floor. They walk into a lab, mirrors are everywhere. Thorne sees a raptor in the mirrio, but they can't find the real animal, because of the reflections.

    Narr.: You are being hunted....

    Richard: For some odd reason, I think we are being watched.

    Nick Van Owen: Why say that?

    Richard: well considering the fact that they a are 13 foot tall suchomimus standing behind you, I think something might happen.

    The Jurassic Park 4 survivors symbol appears on the screen.

    Dr.Snare: Make sure all of them are in their cages!

    SUMMER 2002

    5/19/2002 10:44:33 AM

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
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