Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    The small, armored dinosaur named in honor of JP and TLW author Michael Crichton is called "Bienosaurus crichtoni". (From: Patrick)
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    Jurassic Park 4: Part 8
    By Rexjaws

    While Ian and his team is on Sorna, Alan and his team was exploring Nublar, which was deserted. Not a dino in sight, Nublar was quiet, which was not like Sorna. Alan and the team set up camp, but they took caution.Not knowing they might a dino in the bushes. If dinos survive on Sorna, they can survive on Nublar. Alan's team was Billy Brennan, Rolnd Tembo, who knows about the dinos since he was on Sorna a few years ago, and the other half of Turner's men, but someone decided to come along also. Henry Wu. Henry is a former engineer for Ingen, and knows Hammond quite well. Henry heard about the destruction of Jurassic Park, when Hammond told him personally. Alan was quite nervous, but he also thought there was nothing to worry about. Nublar seem alot more peaceful than Sorna. Sky was blue, grassy plains. It felt like home. "Billy", Grant shouted. "Yeah", Billy answered. "See anything?", Alan asked. "No"

    Roar. Grant reconigsed the roar. Then out of the nowhere a Brachiosaurus bellowed. The sight was beautiful. The saurpod was huge, but it was not alone, a herd of them! "Wow" Roland Tembo had thought the sight of something huge was to never to be seen in his lifetime again, not since a sight of a T.Rex. The team marvel. A sight they will cheerish for as long as they live, seeing a living, breathing Dionsaur.
    "Well everyone", Alan said,"Welcome to Jurassic Park!!" They sight, they thought, the island has something instore for them!

    1/19/02 3:03:35 PM

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