Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    A scene in JP3 that was never filmed would of had Grant blowing the raptor whistle, then watching as the raptors killed the spinosaur. (From: Chase)
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    Jurassic Park 4: Part 10
    By Rexjaws

    Isla Nublar:

    Alan walk around the peaceful landscape. searching for any clues to life besides dinosaurs for which he thought were dead on the island. Henry Wu had not been to the island since 1993. He left for the boat before the disaster happen, but that's all history now. Though he regrets leaving the island. He rather get kill by the creation he make those few years ago. He help engineer these animals that are still alive in this very island thinking they would be dead. Alan loves dinosaurs. He doesn't when they are trying to eat him though. Billy is more fascinated by touching them be able to see them, and see the animals breath and react to the surroundings. Roland Tembo had his share of his experience. Sorna. Where Ian is now. The rain began to pour heavy. They didn't had no transportion, unlike Ian and his team. The walk on the road way that was built a few years ago.

    They took shelter in the Vistor Center that wasn't so far away. A few yards walk. Not that far. Alan look around the area, listening. "Quite", He said. Purring.
    "Prepare to run", Roland said.
    The team ran for the Vistor Center.
    A huge dinosaurs emerge with Large talons, that can slide and dize.
    A Megaraptor Alan identified.
    As they head into the building, they're safe for now.

    1/29/02 6:21:38 PM

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