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    The strange characters that are seen projected against the raptor during the JP finale are actually the letters A, C, T, and G, the letters used for describing sections of DNA code. (From: 'MegaRaptor')
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    The Choas Theroy
    By Red_Rex25

    Ian Malcome was laying in his bed. He had a very larg and complicated book out. He yawned and looked at the clock next to his bed on the stand. It was 11:00 p.m. he put a tab in his spot on the book, then closed it.The telephone rang from somewhere in the distance. he slowly got out of the bed and grabed his cane. he limped over to his bedroom door and opened the door. he walked down a silent hallway untill he got to the kitchen. The phone was still ringing. he decided to pick it up. "hello" he said. "hello is the senor ian malcome" ian hesitated for a moment..."this is, may I ask who is speaking?" "this is senor charles mittson" the voice sounded some what scratchy."I am calling from the biohasard offices in coasta rica" ian sighed "what do you need" "I need you to see something" he raised his brow. "what is it you whant me to see?" "lets just say senor, this is something outa our hands." ian thought for a momentuntill the man spoke again. "you will recive all the needed info by tomarrow, in side will also be your pre paid plain ticket. Your flight will leave tomarrow by noon...please senor" and he the man ung up. Ian looked out of his window. The rain lashed out side. he sighed another time and thought to him self "not again".........

    8:00 a.m
    ian was sitting at the kitchen table sipping his coffe. his wife sarha was still asleep. He continualy looked at the mail slot at the door. He couldnt help thinking that anytime all that stuff the man said was just a dream, though one part of him knew it wasnt and knew what it was all about. "hmm coffe honey" a rather groggy sarha had said. " he'em" ian nodded pouring her a cup and handing it to her has she say down. "did you answear the phone last night ian?" sarha asked "I was going to get it but work had it tole." she smiled and sipped her coffer staring at ian from the rim of her cup. "ya..I answered it" ian said rather stiffly has he always sounded in the morning. "who was it?" she asked has they herd kelly malcome turning on the shower. "some person from work" ian lied, not wanting to tell her what had really happened."I guess you have to go to work today" she said rather dissapointed. "ya.. I guess I do."

    9/17/2005 8:00:07 PM

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