Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    When characters in the recent film "Big Fat Liar" take a tour of Universal Studios, they not only hear the JP theme, but discover a feathered JP3 raptor and pachycephalosaurus in a prop room. (From: Ceratopsian)
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    JP Mainland: Chapter 1 The Beginning
    By RaptorVinny500

    It's been six years since the Site B rescue operation of Dr. Richard Levine and twelve years since the accident at Jurassic Park. The story now takes place on the mainland, in 2001, where there have been reports of tons of food being eaten, probably by animals, and the animals are moving in a straight line, Northeast-Southwest. The animals are travelling north, towards the USA and Canada.......
    Around the line the animals are travelling, there have been over 20 deaths, and several reports of large lizards. The food primarily eaten is soy, chickens, and agama beans, foods rich with lysine. The animals have already reached the US-Mexico border. The US government sent out a military troop to the area but nothing was found. Everyone is baffled, except, Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Richard Levine, Ian Malcolm, Sarah Harding, Jack Thorne, Gerry Harding, Robert Muldoon, Marty Guitierrez, Tim and Alexis Hammond, Kelly Curtis, Arby Benton, and former InGen personell. Alan called everyone except the kids, Sarah, Levine, and Thorne* and told them to meet him at his excavation site. Only five of the former InGen personell showed up. Their names were Mark, Steve, Dan, Gary, and Tony. Thorne, Sarah, and Richard also came after Ian asked them to come.
    "OK, we are the only ones who know about the incident at Jurassic Park," said Grant, " But somehow the dinosaurs got to the mainland. Apparently not all the dinosaurs were destroyed. They got on the Mainland and started eating foods rich in lysine."
    "There is also a Site B and they bred animals there and released them, and they had a disease," Ian said.
    "Fuckin InGen. We have to destroy the animals ourselves."
    "We don't want to do this, but we have to," Richard said.
    "OK," everyone said, looking grim.
    "Don't worry, Doc Thorne can provide vehicles and weapons."
    "I guess," Thorne said.
    "Great! Let's get moving we have to stop the animals now!" Alan said.

    "Alright we'll need 3 rocket launchers, 14 LindStrat rifles, daggers, and pistols, rifles with laser sight," Alan said.
    "Got it," Thorne said.
    "An exact replica of the trailer you made for Richard."
    "5 electric Jeep Grand Cherokees."
    "6 exact replicas of the motorcycles you made for Riochard and that can be tied to the Jeeps."
    "Alright anything else?"
    "An electric motorboat that you can tie to the trailer, and 250 lbs of food and 250 gallons of water. That's it. Have it ready really soon!"
    "It'll be ready in about 6 weeks."

    *Alan Grant didn't know about Sarah, Ian, Thorne, and Levine went to Site B, so he didn't call Sarah, Thorne, and Levine because he didn't know them.

    1/18/02 5:54:41 PM

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