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By Michael Crichton
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    RaptorPack (chptr 8)
    By RaptorClaw

    Day 5

    Jody sat hunched down, trying to drive. The rain was coming down in sheets, highly restricting visibility. She squinted, trying to see where to go. The vehicle splashed through the mud.
    “Terrence... what happened?” asked Diego, carefully asking on the touchy subject.
    “Spino came outta the jungle real quick. We didn’t have time to alert Jake. Ran.” Terrence closed his eyes. “Ran towards the trailer. Jeremy had an idea. He, he wanted to swing the small crane for the Mosazaur hard into the Spino, wanted to knock it over so we could alert Jake. I told him I should go... but... stubborn idiot... he ran towards the controls. He... never reached them. I screamed out, Spino saw me... swung claws into me, knocked me under trailer...” Terrence sighed slowly. He didn’t say anything more; there was nothing more to say. The team bowed their heads as they drove into the night.

    “Where is he? Huh? Where?” Mack demanded when walking into Stranded HQ (their nickname for their InGen base)
    “Where’s who?” Kyle asked sleepily.
    “Peter!” Mack yelled.
    “In the garage. He said he fled when raptors attacked. That’s when I sent Jody in.”
    “Hmm... time to pay chicken-boy a lil’ visit...” Diego smiled, cracking his knuckles.
    “Hey, don’t do any-” Nick was cut off by a loud slamming sound.
    “What was that?” Laura asked. She and Jody had just lain Derek down on a bed.
    “I’ll check it out.” Terrence said, already walking towards the observation stairs.

    Terrence walked slowly, thoughtfully up the stairs. Jeremy may be dead, but he shouldn’t give up. He reached the top and peered out a grilled window. The cramped observation deck window showed horror. Raptors. Surrounding the base from all sides. Not entirely for attack, considering there were only two entrances. The surrounding raptors were to keep any humans from surviving.
    “The ‘Pack’ I take it...” Terrence muttered. What he saw next was even more surprising. Four raptors were wearing armor. Not steel suits like knights. Skeletons. Using bones like armor. Not many. The top half of the skull, the backbone and ribs. Still eerie. The four were the first ones heading to the door. The garage door was heavily defended. No way the raptors could enter there. The regular door, however, was much, much lighter. And the raptors were heading there. Terrence ran down the stairs, but only taking 1 step at a time.
    “Raptors.” Terrence said blandly. Everyone looked at him instantaneously.
    “Mack, Jake, Terrence, let’s get all the weapons. Diego, find Peter. Jody, check all entrances to make sure their locked down, Kyle, watch security cameras and tell us any important news,” Nick stated.
    “Let’s rock.”

    Diego knocked down door after door. Where the heck was Peter? He had a single pulse pistol in case of emergency, but he felt fairly unarmed. He heard a noise from behind a door. Without thinking, he slammed it open. Peter was there, looking extremely startled.
    “What are you doing?” Diego snarled.
    “Checking my things.” Peter’s head dipped slightly to left. “Got a problem with that?” Diego only grunted.
    “Let’s go. Raptors are attacking the base.”
    Although Diego didn’t hear or see it, Peter smiled. “I wonder why...”

    Jake, Nick, Terrence and Mack were rummaging through the equipment.’
    “Question. Why aren’t there any REAL guns? No, AK-47s, pistols, shotguns, rifles. Just stupid ‘Electro-Tazers.’”
    “The SPCD won’t allow the intentional death of any dinosaurs. They’re endangered. That’s why me an’ Nick couldn’t blast the Pteronadons into bits.”
    “We may have a problem.” Terrence said quietly. “Four raptors were wearing some kind of skeletal armor. The electronic pulses won’t hurt them.”
    “That is bad.” Mack replied.
    “Very.” Terrence grinned. “And I suppose nobody brought a grenade?”

    6/7/2003 7:39:08 PM

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