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    Michael Crichton's original plan for the JP novel was for it to be about a combination of dinosaurs and child abuse. When his publisher balked at the idea, he decided instead to focus solely on dinosaurs. (From: 'Chase')
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    RaptorPack (chptr 7)
    By RaptorClaw

    Day 5 (continued)

    “That dirty rat! He left us! In raptor territory! Of all the lousy things!” Diego screamed, which, he knew, wasn’t a good idea considering they were surrounded by raptors, even IF the raptors didn’t see them.
    “So... like... shouldn’t we have been overrun by raptors by now?” Mack questioned.
    “Hmm... I guess your right. Where are they? That first group should’ve told the others we were here. Maybe Peter wasted ’em all.”
    “If that was true, why’d he leave?”
    “Because he’s an idiot. I don’t know! Let’s just go to Jeremy and Terrence. We can ride back with them. It’s not far away.”
    “Alright.” And so the two calmly walked on.
    “Did you here something Diego?”
    “Must be my imagination.” They walked on a little longer.
    “It’s them, isn’t it?” Diego broke the silence.
    “What? Who?”
    “The ‘Raptor Pack,’ y’know, the hypersmart ones?”
    “I don’t know, maybe. You never believed in that.”
    “Yeah well that was before they dug a hole under the hummer.”

    Nick looked up. Something had slammed against the hovercraft.
    “Snappy back?” Laura asked, eyeing the blank walls of the ship suspiciously. “Snappy” was their nickname for the Spinosaurus.
    “Sounded hollow. Metallic.”
    “Um... that’s the sound of what happens when something hits our ship.”
    “Hmm.” The top hatch of the ship suddenly started turning.
    “We’re saved!” Nick shouted happily.
    “Just in time. Derek doesn’t look so good.” She looked down sadly at her brother. “It was only a matter of time before...” She shuddered. The hatch continued to turn. Then it opened. And water rushed in! But only for a moment as Jake popped his head in.
    “What’s up?”
    “Jeez, we’ve been down here for hours you slowpoke!” Nick smiled.
    “Let’s get out of here.” Laura motioned to Derek (who was unconscious). Nick and Jake grabbed him and set him down in the Mosazaur. Finally, Laura went in, followed by Nick then Jake. The sub slowly took off, leaving the wreck of the Runner behind.

    “I think we may have arrived at a bad time,” Mack muttered. The Pterotransport was a ruined, burning hulk. The ground was strewn with junk. There was also a large predator standing over it all. It roared at the at Mack and Diego, it’s reptilian head so close they could smell the flesh on its breath. Tattered clothes hung off its teeth, remnants of the beasts last victim. The snout was spackled with blood. It roared again.
    “Nice knowin’ ya dude,” Mack babbled, staring at their Grim-Reaper-to-be. Its head reached for them when something else caught its attention. The Mosazaur had risen from the waters. The creature turned toward it now.
    Laura frowned, “Well, ol’ Snappy’s still here.”
    The animal was moving toward them. They weren’t running. It was pointless. The creature opened his massive jaws and slinked his head towards them. Terrence, bloody but alive, pulled the lever. The shattered crane, used to haul the Mosazaur with, swung hard into the Spino, knocking it down.
    “You’re alive?” Diego yelled, bewildered.
    “Wish I could say the same for Jeremy,” Terrence replied monotonously. He seemed drained of all emotion. Then, in a perfect coincidence, a jeep drove up with Jody inside.
    “Holy-!” Her jaw dropped.
    “Just drive Jode!” Laura yelled as she hopped in the passenger side. Nick and Diego hustled Derek into the back, where they too sat. Terrence and Jake took the middle. Mack just got on top. The hummer sped fast into the jungle, as the rain came down hard from the sky, dark and dangerous

    5/31/2003 8:23:14 PM

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