Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
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    JP3 is the only film in the JP trilogy not to have a crew member playing someone in the cast. (From: Oviraptor)
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    RaptorPack (chptr 2)
    By RaptorClaw

    Day 1

    “Careful!” Yelled Kyle, as the PteroTransports rolled down the unloading ramp of the Jumanji. “That equipment is expensive!” As the last Semi rolled down the ramp, Jake turned to Kyle.
    “Shouldn’t someone be armed?” he asked, nervously.
    “Yeah, them over there,” Kyle replied, motioning to a group of people, covered from head to toe in ammunition. “That’s Peter , Mack, and Diego.” Kyle explained. But if you feel
    more comfortable with weaponry yourself, go--” Before Kyle could finish, Nick and Jake snatched the biggest rifles there, smiled, and started to walk.

    The caravan moved through the jungle easily. Besides a few compies, they hadn’t seen any dinosaurs.
    “Ugh!” cried Laura, frustrated she hadn’t seen anything. “Why are they hiding?”
    “They’re not hiding, “ said Peter, his eyes on the path ahead. “They’re waiting, waiting for the chance to strike. Raptors-” he paused, “Raptors are one of the smartest things on this island. Smart, and dangerous.”
    “Psycho...” Diego muttered quietly to himself.
    “Especially if we see Them...” Mack said quietly.
    “Who?” Laura asked. Now she was interested.
    “Supposedly, a while ago, some little research posts put on here were attacked by raptors. But, the attacks were perfectly coordinated, just, beautiful. The raptors had a brilliant strategy and some men swore they saw spying on them for several weeks before. These are the super-intelligent Raptors. But no one knows where they came from...”
    “Aw, don’t listen to ’im!” laughed Diego. “We know that’s just a story!” Even so, Laura couldn’t help feeling nervous...like...something was watching her....”

    Day 2

    At noontime of the second day, the group stopped to take a rest.
    This supposedly peaceful event was shattered by the marvelous roar of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Okay, so the stupid thing ran into camp to try and kill ‘em all.
    “Well, time for Plan B on Site-B” sighed Jake.
    “What’s Plan B?”
    “RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!” Nick and Jake raced through the mass, shouting to ‘Get in the trucks and drive away!’ The Tyrant was too fast, the first truck started, but he reached his head in. The driver was mincemeat. The passenger hopped out, and the Rex pursued. The man hopped into a cage. The Rex wasn’t able to get in, so he left to eat other people. The man smiled. ‘I’m safe’ he thought. Wrong.
    “Sqwa! Sqwa!” a pair of hungry Pteronadons chirped at him...

    Mean while the tyrant continued his rampage. In a frenzied thirst for meat, he attacked everything that moved, and some things that didn’t Letting out a mighty roar, he toppled a semi, just like several other. Few of the other drivers got out either. One pair of drivers, Terrence and Jeremy, however, had another strategy. They tried to use the semi to ram the lizard king, but all it did was anger him. He stared at the two.
    “Don’t move,” muttered Terrence.
    “WHY?” whispered Jeremy angrily. “It can still smell us!”
    “Yeah but Mack has a Pulse pistol.” Suddenly the Rex looked up. It had been hit, but with little effect. However it did cause the animal to go off attacking other targets.

    Nick sat atop a turned over semi, aiming the sights of the Tazer Rifle at the Tyrants side. He pulled the trigger. At the last second the animal moved, the charge slamming into the communication thing behind the beast. Now the rex turned to Nick..
    He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, but the walking rex was still faster. Nick jumped into a empty cage, The T-rex, this time, ripped through it. Nick Hopped out the other side, and tripped. He winced. Nothing happened. He looked back. The tyrant had gone through one side of the cage, is head burst out the other, and was now stuck. As he tried to pull out, the cage began to roll. Hidden by the brush, was a hill. Now the Rex rolled DOWN that hill, and at the bottom? A lake. By the time anyone came down to look, the rex was unconscious and chin deep in muddy water.
    “Well,” smiled Laura, “That was interesting.”
    “Looks like you’ll have your work cut out for you, Fred!” laughed Diego to the mechanic. Fred smiled.
    “Yeah well, that’s how it goes sometimes, hah,”
    “You better get on this immediately,” snarled Bob, who complained a lot and like to bark orders.
    “Well, at least the T. Rex is gone, and most of the crew is still alive,” said Jody, computer specialist, cheerfully.
    “That’s true,” replied Laura.
    “Yeah, said Jake, “Too bad all of our radios were in those semi-carrier things.” Laura turned around. One truck was still standing, but its radio was fried (by Nicks missed shot) The rest, laid scattered and destroyed by the wrath of a T-Rex...

    5/14/2003 7:24:23 PM

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